Colonialism In Heart Of Darkness - special case
Joseph Conrad was one of the famous novelists in the history of English literature. Romantic realism is the keynote of Conrad's novel. His novel contains mystical, natural, imaginative elements and realistic in the sense of Romanticism. This novel had its origin in personal experience. Conrad wrote this novel in the context of colonialism , its nature and its devil side. Colonialism is the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically. In Heart of Darkness, the author, Joseph Conrad explores the nature of colonialism. He reveals the horrors of colonialism and is cynical of the entire process. He uses several symbolic characters to accomplish this. Colonialism In Heart Of DarknessColonialism in “Heart of Darkness”
Astounded by the brutal depravity he witnesses, Marlow becomes obsessed with meeting Kurtz, a famously idealistic and able man stationed farther along the river. What he finally discovers, however, is a horror beyond imagining. Heart of Darkness is widely regarded as a masterpiece for its vivid study of human nature and the greed and ruthlessness of imperialism. He has published articles on various twentieth-century British and postcolonial writers. Mark Lawrence — Jan 20, It's perhaps not that surprising because the existential meandering dominates the actual events, and many of the those events involve lying around being too hot, too sweaty, and too sick, just waiting.

That's unfair - events do unfold, characters are met, Colonialism In Heart Of Darkness witnessed, at at the creshendo, blood is spilled. The pace, however, is slow. Nineteenth century slow. Dickens sprints by comparison. Two things save this from being discarded within pages and perhaps along with academia's love affair and inclusion on ten thousand secondary school English curricula explain its longevity. Firstly, if you forgive the overblown language that is perhaps a sign of Headt times more than anything, Conrad has a rare eye for characterisation and description.
He 'sees' and manages to share, delivering, when he chooses to, whole people with a handful of lines. Secondly, the heart of the heart Like our narrator steaming his way upriver into the unknown, we want to meet Kurtz, to find out what it is about this man that's so extraordinary. In the end, like anything that is built up and Darrkness up again, Kurtz is a let down, but somehow Conrad saves it with the man's last words. Another mystery left for the reader and one that's kept people reading the work for a hundred years.
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Join my 3-emails-a-year newsletter prizes. Sarah — May 17, This book sucked me in one end and spat me out the other and I'm still not entirely sure what happened.

It was incredibly absorbing because it took place exclusively inside the narrator's head.]
Be not deceived in this respect.
Quite good question