Sexual aggression is a pervasive societal problem with devastating and sometimes permanent effects on its victims. Approximately one in four adults has been either a victim or perpetrator of sexually aggressive behavior.
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Until now, a disproportionate amount of attention has been paid to victim-based methods of prevention with a corresponding lack of emphasis on the perpetrators of sexual aggression, whose rate of recidivism is quite high. As psychologists and mental health professionals turn their attention to the assessment and treatment of sexual offenders, the need for practical, scientifically based information on sexual aggression Cliniczl become clear.

This title offers suggestions based on state-of-the science theory and research. Using the Quadripartite Model of sexual aggression to provide a framework for causes and possible solutions, it breaks new ground by proposing preventive intervention with potential perpetrators. It is a valuable resource for anyone involved in mental health, criminology, and the judicial system. Keywords: sexual aggressionperpetrationssexual offendersmental healthsexual behavioraggressive behavior.
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Publications Pages Publications Pages. Recently viewed 0 Save Search. Nagayama Hall Abstract Sexual aggression is a pervasive societal problem with devastating and sometimes permanent effects on its victims. Author Gordon C. Read More. All rights reserved. Sign in to annotate. Delete Cancel Save. Cancel Save.]
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