Child Custody And Custody Issues -

Child Custody And Custody Issues

Child Custody And Custody Issues - assured. consider

But critics say additional reforms are needed to provide better oversight of court-appointed psychologists who play a key role in granting deciding where young children should live when parents are in custody disputes. Complaints regarding such appointees are filed with the New York State Office of Professional Responsibility OPR , but OPR requires all court records to do an investigation and if the court refuses, the investigation is closed. A number of complaints have been filed against Dr. Barbara Burkhard, one such court-appointed family evaluator used in a number of cases in Suffolk. Those who complained include Anna Frank, who blames the doctor for losing custody of her son; Kathy LaPietra, who lost custody of her daughter in a Burkhard-assigned case; and Allison Vernick-Chaikin, who lost custody of two kids after meeting with Burkhard. Frank told the Press that she filed a complaint against Burkhard, but it went nowhere. As with Frank, LaPietra too said the court and Burkhard ignored a mountain of evidence to deem her a parent alienator and keep her away from her daughter. LaPietra also filed a complaint against Burkhard, but she said she did not even get a response. She has not seen her daughter, now 15, since Child Custody And Custody Issues

Child-related matters are among some of the most emotionally challenging legal issues for parents during the divorce process. If you are getting divorced, it is important to understand how such decisions are rendered in court, so you have a better idea of what to anticipate throughout your case.

Child Custody And Custody Issues

Continue reading to learn more about the factors a judge will consider when determining child custody. Child custody is based on the best interests of the children, which encompasses a vast number of important factors. Generally, in most cases, a judge click refrain from causing too much disruption for children and aim for maintaining consistency in their lives Cusstody it is believed that stability serves their best interests.

If you are faced with a difficult child custody dispute, the legal team at the Law Office of Jody L. Fisher can provide the compassionate legal guidance you need to smoothly navigate it. Our team understands the difficulties parents deal with during this process and will fight to protect your interests and the interests of your children. Reach out to our law office today at to set up Child Custody And Custody Issues initial case review with our knowledgeable attorney to discuss the details of your child custody case. By Jody Fisher Law February 05, Child-related matters are among some of the most emotionally challenging legal issues for parents during the divorce process. Custdy Best Interests of the Children Child custody is based on the best interests of the children, which encompasses a vast number of important factors.

Here are some of the factors a judge will review: The ability of each parent to provide for the emotional wellness, physical needs, and medical care of the children. How much the children will have to adjust if they change school environments or neighborhoods.

Child Custody And Custody Issues

The mental and physical wellbeing of both parents and the children. The preference of each parent.

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The preference of the children if they are old enough and mature enough. Confirmed evidence of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence. Any false allegations of domestic violence by either parent against the other. If either parent has provided most of the child care up until this point. The age of the children.]

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