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Paul Salem All right, good morning, everybody, or good afternoon if you're in the Middle East or other parts of the world. My name is Paul Salem. Very glad and proud to be hosting this exclusive meeting today with General McKenzie, commander of Central Command. The Middle East Institute is celebrating its 75th year. We were founded back in And we've come a long way and still have a lot of sort of activities, ambitions for the years ahead. This year for us, is a special year because it's the MEI at 75 and we're kicking it off with this very special meeting with General McKenzie and Central Command. And on our side, I want to thank Mr. Milsap, who heads our defense and security program for his efforts in putting all of this together and everything he does. CENTCOMs Approach

CENTCOMs Approach - opinion you


Eingebetteter Medieninhalt. A survivor of Houthi jails CENTCOMs Approach horrific tales of torture including nail removal body burning. Establishment of CENTCOMs Approach in Yemen would only be possible if the US-Saudi aggression, that has been attacking Yemenis over the past many years, ended its attacks and a concomitant siege, the head CENTCOMs Approach the National Delegation Mohammad Abdulsalam said.

New hearing held for killers of former president of Houthi supreme political council. The specialized criminal appeals court in Yemen's Hodeidah province on Wednesday held a seventh hearing for persons accused of assassinating the former president of the Houthi supreme political council Saleh Al-Samad and his companions.

It gave the relatives of the victims and the prosecution time to respond to appeals by the lawyers of the defendants, according to the Sanaa-based Saba click the following article agency. Al-Samad was on a list of 40 Houthi leaders wanted by the coalition. He was killed in a drone attack by the coalition in April in Hodeidah.

Film: A citizen went Aljawf to buy 40L of diesel. He refused as he needed to water his farms in Sana's Hamdan. They didn't allow him to pass,so he was forced to do this as a protest. Musleh was one of Houthis' key allies in photos.

Comment: Dismantling the tribes through executing and subjugating tribal leaders is one of Houthis main link to solidify their control over Approachh population in CENTCOMs Approach north. In the past, tribes offered protection for their members against central government abuses! The Houthi theocratic militants killed senior tribal loyalist Musleh al-Warwari on Wednesday, more than a year and a half after they killed CENTCOMs Approach brother, in Amran province north of Yemen. The Southern Transitional Council STC declared willingness to normalize with Israel is blatant provocation and weak obsessions, Houthi deputy foreign minister tweeted on Wednesday.

Film: Houthinizing State Institutions in Yemen.

Information Minister: Yemeni women have derived their patience, steadfastness from Fatima al-Zahraa. In the event organized by the Department of Student CENTCOMs Approach at the University in cooperation with the University Student Forum, Minister of Information Dhaifullah al-Shami referred to the status of women in Appriach who honored by Allah that proclaiming a surah in the Holy Quran in the name of women, ''known as Maryam'' in honor of their role in life.

Al-Shami stressed the enemy is targeting Yemen, especially women, through the soft war, Approoach misleading headlines and slogans to corrupt society after it has been militarily, politically, and economically incapable to achieve its goals in Yemen. Minister al-Shami warned against the efforts of the West and the enemies of Islam in general to target Muslim women in their values and principles CENTCOMs Approach creating symbols of Muslim women and ignoring the real examples.

He touched on the position and role CENTCOMs Approach Yemeni women, who recorded the most wonderful images of steadfastness in the face of aggression and who drew their patience and steadfastness from al-Zahra's positions.

The Minister CENTCOMs Approach Information considered the revival of this occasion as a reminder and call for Muslim women to return to their true symbols and role models, such as Fatima al-Zahra, Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, and other feminist figures who CENTCOMs Approach named in Holy Quran and Sunnah. At the event, member of the Supreme Political Council, Sultan al-Samei, referred to the importance of celebrating World Cancer Day in order to raise awareness of the dangers of cancer and ways to prevent it. Faiz al-Barh returned Aplroach homeland ranks from the camps of the aggression in the border areas. The returnees confirmed that the aggression coalition and its mercenaries are continuing to torture those who were deceived and stood by their ranks. Khaled Daba'an. The deceived soldiers, the returnees, were at the aggression camps in the border areas of Yemen fighting against Yemen and its sovereignty.]

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