Bullying in the Workplace - excellent idea
If you believed that bullying stopped in high school, you might be shocked at how much of that behavior continues into adulthood and, more specifically, into our workplaces. Being an adult comes with a wide range of responsibilities and challenges. Unexpectedly, one of the issues seldom acknowledged or openly addressed is bullying in one fashion or another that takes place at our jobs. He and his wife, Ruth Namie, a clinical psychologist, founded WBI after she experienced bullying by a colleague at a psychiatric clinic. Being bullied at work is not very different from being bullied as a child. Potential consequences include significant stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal issues, etc. Studies have also shown that women can carry an unconscious bias against other women. Bullying in the Workplace.Bullying in the Workplace Video
Workplace Bullying: The Silent EpidemicAccording to Bullying in the Workplace Workplace Bullying Institute, up to one-third of employees may be victims of workplace abuse. This can mean catastrophic consequences for the organization under heat — decreased morale and increased stress levels for workers, high staff turnover, retraining of employees, costly rebranding endeavours, and even lawsuits.
When it comes to addressing this issue in the workplace, a good leader can be the crusading force that can help steer things in the right direction.
In your senior position, it is in your highest interests to ensure that your employees are performing at their best not just on the work front, but in all areas of their lives. Anyone can be the victim of bullying of course. Feeler types are known to make decisions based on emotions and values and can also be highly vulnerable to conflict.

Confrontation can be a difficult thing for most people. However, for the sensitive Introverted Feeler, there is more of a tendency to want to avoid conflict at whatever cost, leading them to side-step confrontation.
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As a manager, confrontation is not something you can easily avoid. You can begin to address bullying in your workplace by first acknowledging that the problem exists. As any mathematician will tell you, doing so is a crucial big step before attempting to solve any standard equation. Be ready to identify and address the incident s by singling out the key players at the forefront. Once you have done this, set a Bullying in the Workplace to meet with the employees involved and present whatever findings you Bulluing about the rising conflicts.

Listen and observe well so that you can effectively gather information from both parties in Woekplace to assess the situation later. Should the report come from a source outside of the victim, Bullying in the Workplace direct confrontation may not always be the best response. Since there does exist the reality that a large number of Feelers may choose not to report their situation, look out for these following signs that will help you discern that an IF employee is being bullied:.
Clear avoidance of face-to-face encounters with the suspected click or whenever their name Bullying in the Workplace raised in conversation. Not speaking up or sharing their ideas as much in group meetings or with other colleagues. Takes feedback from other managers or colleagues especially hard; demonstrates doubt or lack of confidence about work-related tasks. Most likely, some of the bullying incidents in question may be occurring at times when you are not in the room. Aside from regular meetings, be diligent in keeping up-to-date with the situation at hand by following up with the employees involved frequently.
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Since most Introverts are able to express themselves better in writing, this will offer an opportunity for the victim to provide an honest account without feeling pressured. Appoint either yourself or another senior leader as the delegated mediator whom employees can report to directly should any further issues arise. Ensure that certain protocols are also in place that can allow for anonymous reporting and so that employees who do choose to report are not penalized for doing so.]
Absurdity what that
It is good idea. I support you.
Excellent idea