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The last few months of any year, with deadlines and holidays, often create a harried pace. Strengthening your core using plank exercises can help ease back pain. Some supplements pose risks to heart health. For example, red yeast rice supplements can amplify the effects of cholesterol-lowering medications. Heart rate variability HRV is a measure of the variation in time between heartbeats. Transient ischemic attacks TIAsalso known as mini-strokes, share many of the typical stroke signs and symptoms, and Bwing a warning sign of a high stroke risk.

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Couples often share health habits, whether good or bad, according to a recent study. Try this move for better core strength Harvard Women's Health Watch.

Being A Grandparent Original Writing

Latest from Harvard Health What is heart rate variability? The "hip hike" exercise for building hip strength.

Being A Grandparent Original Writing

The "alphabet exercise" for foot and ankle strength. Core Exercises: Pelvic Curl. Robert H. Gad A. Anthony L. James Cartreine, PhD Contributor. Thomas H. Harvey B. Martha K. Paul G. E-mail Address.

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