Assess The Implications Of The Different Sources -

Assess The Implications Of The Different Sources Video

Evaluating Sources: How to Evaluate Sources Assess The Implications Of The Different Sources

The cultural occurrence is yours to choose; however, the assignment will likely be easier to conduct if you choose a context that is occurring around the time of this course. The context must be one that is not simply an individual expression of self, but rather, is a consumption opportunity driven by individual, group, and cultural influences. Your primary task is to Implicwtions the consumer behavior associated with the context of choice.

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Your analysis should be supported by examples and descriptions of the behaviors identified and should including the following. Part A Implicxtions Begin by describing the cultural context that will serve as the focus of your project. Part B Historical Relevance: What is the historical relevance of the context you selected, and how did the current culturally-accepted forms of consumption Souurces become established over time? If no information can be located, speculate on how you think the current behavior came to be. Part C Decision Making: Describe the potential for consumption-related decision making given the cultural context in question.

Provide three 3 examples of the purchases that might be involved for consumers participating in the context you selected. To answer this question, apply Long Term Benefits Simply Telling of the four 4 consumption typologies described in your text Solomon, Why or why not? Provide two 2 examples to support your position. Part F Socialization: How were consumers socialized to the cultural expectations surrounding the context? Discuss three 3 ways in which consumers were able to learn what behaviors Assess The Implications Of The Different Sources behaviors and others were expected of them.

Part G Associative Network: Develop an associative network with at least three 3 levels of complexity see Figure 3. Part H 1. Are consumers responding to needs or wants when they make consumption decisions related to the cultural context in question? What motivational conflicts approach-approach, approach-avoidance, avoidance-avoidance do consumers wrestle with relative to this TThe Likewise, many decisions can be motivated by the different need levels, depending on the person. Part I Values: Identify five 5 instrumental and terminal values expressed through consumer behavior surrounding the context.

Assess The Implications Of The Different Sources

At least one 1 value must be terminal. Part J Situational Aspects: Assess the situational aspects affecting consumer behavior in this cultural context.

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Include an analysis on each of the five 5 antecedent states and the three purchase environment issues. You do not need to evaluate the postpurchase processes for this project.

Part K Reference Groups 1. Describe two 2 reference groups that may be affecting consumers relative to this cultural context and provide examples.

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Is the influence from reference groups informative, utilitarian, or value-expressive? Does social comparison theory play a role in reference group consumption behavior? How do consumption behaviors vary according to stage? Focus only on the primary stages: bachelorhood, couples, married with kid ssingle with kid sand empty nest.

Assess The Implications Of The Different Sources

Provide one 1 example for each stage to support your assessment.]

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