Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria And Antibiotics -

Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria And Antibiotics - for

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria keep Dr. Bonnie Bassler up at night. The Princeton molecular biologist who made groundbreaking discoveries demonstrating that bacteria communicate and orchestrate group behaviors has dedicated her life to unraveling how these tiny, primitive beings exert so much power in the world. We need to study microbes and make arsenals of therapeutics to fight infectious diseases. The human body is inhabited by trillions of bacteria. There are 10 times more bacterial cells than human cells in and on us and, as a consequence, times more bacterial genes than we have human genes. They use a chemical language to communicate and monitor the environment for the presence of other cells, of similar and different species, and they even count how many cells there are in the neighborhood to determine when their population density reaches a critical mass — hence the definition of quorum sensing. Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria And Antibiotics

Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria And Antibiotics Video

Antibiotic Resistance - Health - Biology - FuseSchool

This is the kind of contemptible retort we can expect from the intensive meat industry Resustant and its many trolls in response to new research by the Environmental Working Group EWGwhich reveals high levels of life-threatening antibiotic-resistant bacteria on raw supermarket meat. In fact, we use more antibiotics per pound of meat produced than any other nation in the world.


Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria And Antibiotics Virtually all intensively farmed animals in the U. The problem for humans is that by allowing intensive livestock farms to routinely expose bacteria to sub-therapeutic levels of antibiotics, we are actually providing the Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria And Antibiotics conditions for some very dangerous bacteria to mutate and become resistant to their effects. This means that when we get infected with these antibiotic-resistant diseases, there are fewer and fewer options for treatment. For some particularly nasty disease, we are fast running out of options altogether. I am the first to acknowledge that good food hygiene is important when handling raw meat — at home and in the hospitality industry.

But accidents inevitably happen. The difference is that, in the not too distant past, if you did accidentally get seriously sick with a nasty food poisoning bug such as Salmonella you could generally rely on a quick course of antibiotics to make you better. And new research from Denmark has now confirmed beyond reasonable doubt that some strains of the dangerous antibiotic-resistant bacteria MRSA Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus can be transmitted from farm animals to people, such as farm workers and meat processing operatives, and eventually into the wider community.

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Bacteria are ubiquitous: they are everywhere in our living environment. So even if bacteria have not been directly exposed to certain antibiotics themselves, they can pick up genetic information from other bacteria in the wider environment that are resistant. So when factory farms spread the millions of gallons of putrid toxic feces held Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria And Antibiotics their open-air lagoons on to the land around their operations, and it leaches into the soils and water networks, the antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the feces can pass on their resistance to other bacteria species in the wider environment. But Big Ag is already fully aware of this fact: Remember when the tobacco lobby fought tooth and nail to protect its market, despite overwhelming evidence that they were in fact killing their customers?

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Infood giant Cargill voluntarily recalled Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria And Antibiotics million pounds of fresh and frozen ground Antiblotics. This was one of the largest Class I recalls of tainted meat in U. The outbreak left one person dead and sickened at least people across 31 states. Safe handling instructions for food should exist to protect consumers from the risk of catching treatable food poisoning bugs. It should NOT be seen as an excuse for the intensive meat industry to continue to misuse these vital medicines in a way which is actively encouraging antibiotic-resistance, nor as a means of absolving itself of all responsibility for any illnesses or deaths that result. No one wants food poisoning and every individual should take care over how they handle and cook meat.]

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