Analysis Of The Book Habakkuk - this
It was recognized as canonical by the Council of Hippo in , the Councils of Carthage of and , and the Council of Florence in , and confirmed in the Counter-Reformation by the Council of Trent Many Anglicans, Lutherans, and Methodists have it in their canon of scripture. Catholics refer to it as deuterocanonical. Augustine [9] c. Athanasius A. According to Rufinus of Aquileia c. Many high church Anglicans view it as part of the canon of scripture. Before the discovery of Aramaic and Hebrew fragments of Tobit among the Dead Sea Scrolls in a cave at Qumran , scholars believed Tobit was not included in the Jewish canon because of late authorship, estimated to A. Other scholars have postulated that Tobit was excluded from the Jewish Scriptures for a halakhic reason because Raguel, the bride's father, wrote the marriage document discussed in Tobit , instead of the bridegroom, as required by Jewish rabbinical law. However, some ancient Jewish rabbinic scholars possibly considered Tobit to be canonical. Analysis Of The Book Habakkuk.![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Analysis Of The Book Habakkuk](
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From the Wisdom Commentary series. This volume offers a womanist and feminist analysis of the books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah, attending to translation and textual issues, use of power and agency, and constructions of gender and its significance for the real and metaphorical women in the texts. The commentary also assesses these texts as scriptures of synagogue and church, their use and utility. A Jewish feminist Habakkuuk and womanist hermeneutic accompanies each biblical book.

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