Analysis Of Putin s Kleptocracy Who Owns -

Analysis Of Putin s Kleptocracy Who Owns Video

Putin's Kleptocracy - Putin's Russia #1 Analysis Of Putin s Kleptocracy Who Owns Analysis Of Putin s Kleptocracy Who Owns

A childhood friend of President Vladimir Putin and one of Russia's wealthiest oligarchs has said in an interview that he owns the lavish Black Sea mansion spotlighted in a recent anti-corruption video describing it as "a palace for Putin.

Analysis Of Putin s Kleptocracy Who Owns

There were many creditors, [and] I managed to become the beneficiary. This is a godsend. The place is gorgeous. Rotenberg did not appear to provide any evidence of ownership. Rotenberg said he has plans to turn it into an apartment-hotel facility because there is "quite a large number of rooms. It is not clear Analysis Of Putin s Kleptocracy Who Owns Iksanov got there or who he was with. The Anti-Corruption Foundation of jailed Putin critic Aleksei Navalny issued a new investigation on January 19 that shone a spotlight on the mansion as allegedly built for Putin.

One day earlier, Navalny had been ordered to remain in custody for 30 days pending trial following his dramatic return to Russia from Germany, where he went for medical care after a nearly fatal poisoning in Russia with a toxin from the Novichok family of Soviet-era nerve agents. The palace itself is 17, square meters and is said to include a home theater, a lobby with a bar, a continue reading bar, a casino and a hall with slot machines, and a swimming pool.

Putin has said the property does not belong to him or his family.

Analysis Of Putin s Kleptocracy Who Owns

Ivan Zhdanov of the Anti-Corruption Foundation said on January 28 that Puin group's video with images and apparent design plans of the lavish property had been viewed by more than million people. The video alleges that Putin's closest friends participated in the mansion's construction, and that the Federal Security Service FSB is involved in its protection. Rotenberg is among the oligarchs mentioned by Navalny in November when he urged the European Union to target the "bunch of criminals" surrounding Putin with sanctions.

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He accused media of publishing "innuendo. InRussian businessman Sergei Kolesnikov fled Russia after publishing an open letter to then-President Dmitry Medvedev revealing the construction of the lavish Black Sea palace commissioned by Putin and funded with a billion dollars in illegally diverted Ownss. The real owner of the property, however, the investigation claims, is Putin himself.

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January 30, GMT. By Current Time. Photo Gallery: Inside 'Putin's Palace'. Images made by Aleksei Navalny's anti-corruption team reveal the astonishing hWo and luxury of a property on Russia's Black Sea coast purportedly used by Vladimir Putin as his personal "palace. Get Adobe Flash Player. Embed share The code has been copied to your clipboard. The URL has been copied to your clipboard. No media source currently available.

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