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A Treatise Of Human Nature A Treatise Of Human Nature.

While all my fellow Star Trek fans are eager to experience crumbs of this fascinating future, scenes from the Terminator or I, robot are hunting the most pessimistic of Ntaure and decision-makers today. This raises a lot of questions about the utilitarian value of AI and the risks it brings along: should we all be concerned about the dangers it holds?

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Can AI be inevitable? This retrospective reasoning is imperative if we plan to consider A Treatise Of Human Nature reality of AI and the risks it carries. And the answer is more Treaitse than it looks, for this particular article, we want to start with a treatise on human nature, followed by a necessity argument for AI, and finally a comment on the peculiar nature of AI. The answers will include elements such as collective observation and reasoning, social groupings and cultures, the ability to adapt and actively pass on the correct skills and knowledge to our peers and the future generations. Well, most intelligent animals and insects can do that, in reality, we are no different than any social gathering of any other species.

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Humans love tools, they love creating tools. They even craft tools to create other tools. Betweenandyears ago a subgroup of humans called homo sapiens By accident, divine intervention or pre-integrated mechanisms made the right evolutionary decision, which is to grow bigger A Treatise Of Human Nature and then use them to craft their way into existence.

This is how we as a species managed to harness fire, developed agriculture, built cities and empires, been able to print books and commoditize knowledge, this is how the industrial revolution took place, and Electricity was invented…. You may ask yourself is AI just another tool? Well technically, yes… But much sharper and A Treatise Of Human Nature more useful than the early sharp stones. Humans are far away from their early stages of evolution, and the tools we create are getting insanely sophisticated. Think of the space probe that we managed to land on a moving comet. These complex systems are the equivalent of platforms for tools creation, they are enablers that help us create products, energy, vital services, and programs. Let us imagine a visual or an infographic representing all the tools created so far laid down in a single unique timeline, starting with the simplest of sticks on one side, and the most complex of modern factories on the other, and in between, all of human creation.

This astronomically vast spectrum of tools, In my opinion, is a much more insightful visual about our existence, than any other phylogenetic tree.

A Treatise Of Human Nature

Unfortunately, Hjman spectrum has become very complex and with each new iteration or advancement, we need more combined A Treatise Of Human Nature knowledge and savoir-faire than for its predecessor. Additionally, our needs for creation exceed our capacity for innovation. We reached this particular point of existence, in which all the tricks up in our sleeves became ineffective. In the past, we used to expand the impact of our individual intelligence through social networks, work specialization, automation…and so on. As it turns out, human beings are masters of tricks to foster, increase and eventually expand the power of natural intelligence. AI is essential in this modern age, even the most reluctant of skeptics will find himself recurring to AI as a natural course of adaptation.

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It all started when we found ourselves using tiny automated programs to assist us in our everyday life. Programs to help us fill forms, to save our personal passwords, to adjust our home thermostat, or to park our cars. And this automation, as convenient as it is, is an alternative and very basic form of intelligence.

A Treatise Of Human Nature

An artificial one. To sum it up: We created AI out of pure necessity! Task automation is just a chapter in the long story that is AI.]

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