12 Angry Men - something is
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This is Kurosawa-level. The characters slide around the room until they pose in a frozen cinematic painting. It is stunning. 12 Angry Men cutting Lumet then glides the camera back in closer as Fonda speaks. There are so many closeups with harsh shadows at the very end. The technical detail here pays off. I distinctly remember watching this film in middle school. It really must have been the first film of such quality and as old, needs to be said I had actually sat through and watched at the time.
The close ups, the blocking, everything helps build up the atmosphere, a sense of suffocation and claustrophobia. I think that by old Hollywood standards, what this film tried to communicate stuck with 12 Angry Men a great deal and Anrgy still relevant today. Definitely an important film. You have included https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/essay/writing-practice-test-online/germany-s-tug-of-war-for-unification.php observations and shots.
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It is an incredibly loaded year. I would also like to point out that is a particularly brilliant year for great auteurs paired with great scripts. Strangelove is a valid choice as well. I also saw this in middle haha.

It actually does make for a great Civics discussion. The intense focus on just the deliberation process 12 Angry Men nothing else works perfectly, if they tried to increase the scope beyond the deliberation process it does not work. View Larger Image. At this point Lumet had years of television experience. There are many aspects to praise here. On one level it is a minute brick by brick courtroom sort of—backroom of one procedural.
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Cobb and others in the ensemble. Related Posts. February 9th, 5 Comments.

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