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Virgil vs Homer in Underworld Video
Why should you read Virgil's \That last sentence can be a bit misleading, however. It is easy for us to think of these three poems dating from antiquity as being almost contemporaneous, but we must remember that the Aeneid was written, that is, it was composed with pen and ink, between Underwofld and eight hundred years after the other two were finally written down. Eight hundred years is a relatively long time.
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Imagine if someone today wrote a series of laws to accompany the Magna Carta, which https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/essay/is-lafayette-a-hidden-ivy/dantes-the-divine-comedy.php written in So many things about our world va changed that it would seem silly to do so. Greece was no longer a major power though it was still a major influencebut Rome was in the process of becoming an empire. Greek ideals had been transformed into Roman ideals. Oral culture had largely been replaced by written culture in many areas. Ideas about heroism had changed. Even ideas about Troy had changed, since the Romans considered themselves descendants of Trojan warriors and could hardly be expected to feel sympathy for the Greeks, whom they were still in the process of displacing.
So The Aeneid is a very different poem from its two most famous predecessors, even though in so Virgil vs Homer in Underworld ways it is based on those earlier poems.
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Before we get to The Aeneid itself, a bit of history is in order. In the third century BCE, a struggle began for control of the Mediterranean. The city that won this struggle would have the opportunity to develop great wealth and power.
The contestants were Rome, a city that had developed prominence and power in Italy, and Carthage, a city in that part of North Africa that is now Tunisia. In the three Punic Wars which took place over a span of one hundred twenty years Rome soundly defeated Carthage and was launched Underworle its way toward become the empire that we know.
But the road toward empire was not smooth, and the history of Rome in the first century BCE is the history of external conquests and internal power struggles.
After Brutus was defeated, there was further war between Antony and Octavian, until finally Octavian was victorious and established himself as Augustus, the sole ruler over what had become a vast empire. Under Augustus, relative peace broke out, order was restored to everyday life, and the arts flourished.

Among the poets who wrote during the reign of Augustus were Horace, Ovid who was eventually exiled from Rome for having somehow offended the emperorand, perhaps the greatest of all, Virgil. These shepherds are eloquent, philosophical, and deeply concerned with issues that were vital to the developing empire. Actually, Virgil was using isolated country settings to confront important issues that concerned him throughout his life. The same is true, though even less directly, Unserworld his next work, The Georgics.
But his greatest achievement was The Aeneidon which he was still working when he died. In fact, on his deathbed he is reputed to have asked that the manuscript be destroyed, though no one is quite sure why. One theory is that the poem was not finished—we can tell that it is unfinished because there are a number of lines that are metrically incorrect and it is likely that Virgil would have corrected them had he lived.

Some readers also think that the poem stops without a conclusion, that it seems to end in the middle of an episode. Supposedly Virgil would Underwogld supplied a more appropriate conclusion had he lived. As I will show, I agree with those https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/essay/mormon-bank-utah/how-two-stakeholder-groups-within-your-educational.php think that the poem ends exactly as it is supposed to end.]
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