To What Extent Is Desdemona Presented as -

To What Extent Is Desdemona Presented as - have hit

Winter is coming. Such is the stern motto of House Stark, the northernmost of the fiefdoms that owe allegiance to King Robert Baratheon in far-off King's Landing. There Eddard Stark of Winterfell rules in Robert's name. Far to the north, behind the towering Wall, lie savage Wildings and worse - unnatural things relegated to myth during the centuries-long summer, but proving all too real and all too deadly in the turning of the season. Yet a more immediate threat lurks to the south, where Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King, has died under mysterious circumstances To What Extent Is Desdemona Presented as. To What Extent Is Desdemona Presented as To What Extent Is Desdemona Presented as

Refworks Account Login. UBC Theses and Dissertations. Featured Collection. Neuroculture refers to the cultural ascendancy of neuroscience witnessed by Anglo-American society over approximately the past thirty years, and the associated predominance of materialist conceptions of consciousness. By examining works from four authors To What Extent Is Desdemona Presented as Oblivionby David Foster Wallace; The Echo Makerby Richard Powers; Enduring Love and Saturdayby Ian McEwan; and The Sorrows of an Americanby Siri Hustvedt — this work of contemporary cognitive historicism establishes and explores three grounding themes of neurofiction: pessimistic biologism, neuro-introspection, and neuro-intersubjectivity.

This study Whag how these three overarching themes frame and motivate the neurofictional works of my four authors, and how my conception of neurofiction brings into sharper focus other concerns of the genre. These other concerns include the so-called Hard Problem the disconnect between, and irreconcilability of, objective and subjective accounts of consciousness ; the Two Cultures a perceived epistemological and philosophical clash between scientific check this out humanistic forms of Prfsented ; forms of obscured mysticism or spirituality; and the question of the value of fiction in the neurocultural era.

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This study argues that what binds the way these authors have responded to modern neuroscience and neuroscientific models of the mind arethree questions: Does the current state of IIs research create a pessimistic picture of human existence; and if so, how should we react? Can an individual consciousness know itself, and to what degree? And can an individual consciousness contact and know other consciousnesses, and to what degree? By asking such questions, neurofiction constitutes a literary response to some click here the most significant philosophical and cultural questions of the contemporary era.

More than anyone else, these two women first revealed to me the challenge, power and pleasure of engaging seriously with literature.


More recently: Thanks to my first thesis supervisor, Dr. Kevin McNeilly, who encouraged me to explore Buddhist themes in literature, thereby facilitating my deepening interest in how thinking about the mind relates to thinking about the written word. Thanks also to my second supervisor, Dr. Barbara Dancygier, who — by introducing me to cognitive literary studies, and encouraging my ranging explorations in that area — set me firmly on the path Desdenona writing this thesis. And a huge thanks to Dr. Jeffrey Severs, longtime committee member turned third and final supervisor. Without Jeff's patience, honesty, openness to my newfangled ideas, and endless supply of brilliant advice, these tens of thousands of words would never have achieved coherence.

To What Extent Is Desdemona Presented as

Thanks also to my other two committee members, Dr. Margery Fee and Dr. Miguel Mota, for years of valuable encouragement and feedback. Endless gratitude is owed to my parents, for never criticising my decision to remain a student into my thirties, and for occasionally footing the bill.

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My father's omnivorous taste for knowledge is reflected in the eclecticism of this study's interests. My mother's decision toearn a Ph. Deep appreciation is owed to AJ Leon and the whole Misfit family — for fiercely Waht me in this endeavour, and for providing me with the opportunity of truly meaningful work following its conclusion. Biggest thanks, though, to my life partner and boon companion, Jessie. For encouraging me to start this, for not letting me quit it, for putting up with my reading into thesmall hours, and for everything else only you and I know — thank you, thank you, thank you. Patient and doctor observe Samson's brainwaves together on a screen: They both watched in silence.]

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