The Story Of Euthyphro By Plato -

The Story Of Euthyphro By Plato

The Story Of Euthyphro By Plato Video

Plato's Euthyphro A Summary The Story Of Euthyphro By Plato

The paper also provides additional guidelines to use in writing this assignment paper. Philosophy papers do more than summarize the material. They analyze and evaluate the claims made in some reading, make some sort of conclusion, and defend the conclusion also called a thesis. The purpose of your paper then is to defend your thesis by providing good evidence either in the form of good reasons or empirical evidence.

Any ideas that are not your own should be properly cited in the paper, with a work cited page at the end. Use at least two scholarly secondary sources t. What is the main question s your study will address? Why and how do these questions matter? What sorts of answers to those Srory are worth considering? How will your study address those questions? What form will the evidence take? What are some possible conclusions from the evidence? More specifically: In one sentence, what question does the work answer?

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In one sentence, what answer does it give? Why should we care about the question? What other answers must we reject if we accept yours? Why should we prefer yours? How have you investigated the question? What arguments and The Story Of Euthyphro By Plato are you presenting for your answers? Why should we believe your arguments? Your evidence? If you are right, what general conclusions, should we draw? Evaluate the idea of justice offered. Look for most recent articles as they usually incorporate Euthypro reference older important work on the topic. Students may cite other sources, too, but they are no substitute for considering what other modern experts on the topics have said.

The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophyonline can be a first stop in your research.

The Story Of Euthyphro By Plato

But, it should only be used to get an overview of the topic! Lecture notes from other scholars posted on the web are not considered scholarly either. Papers should be three to five pages, but at least three pages of writing.

Divine Command Theory of Morality in Plato’s Euthyphro

Give your essay an imaginative title; but do not underline, italicize, or use quotation marks for your title. Maintain point type size and same font preferably New Times Roman throughout your paper. Indent all paragraphs. Double space within the paragraphs of your essay and between paragraphs. Do not double space the heading above or within individual bibliography entries.

The Story Of Euthyphro By Plato

Provide one-inch margins.]

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