The Justification of Reverse Discrimination in Hiring -

The Justification of Reverse Discrimination in Hiring - opinion you

If you would like to read the first article please click here. The circumstances in which this defence of justification will succeed have been the subject of many years of case law. The issue came up for review by the Court of Appeal in Heskett v Secretary of State for Justice in which an employee complained of indirect age discrimination. The case concerned the pay of probation officers which was based on a pay scale with 25 incremental points. A probation officer would previously have progressed three points up the scale each year, with the result that they could reach the top of their pay scale within about 8 years. The Probation Service responded to this by limiting pay progression to just one point on the scale per year. Since those at the bottom of the scale were likely to be younger than those at the top it was clear that this change would amount to indirect age discrimination unless it could be shown to be a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim. The employer argued that its policy was legitimate given the limitations imposed on it by central Government. The employee argued that this amounted to no more than relying on a desire to avoid the cost of allowing pay progression to continue as it had in the past. If that was all the employer was doing, then that would not amount to a legitimate aim. The Justification of Reverse Discrimination in Hiring

Oregon laws protect your right to work, find housing, and be in our state free from discrimination. Know your rights. Fair Housing laws protect you from being discriminated when renting, buying, or living in a home. Oregonians have the right to access places that do business with the public without being discriminated against. It's illegal to be paid less because of your gender, or another protected characteristic.

You must be paid the same as coworkers who do similar jobs. Call or email help boli. We also accept anonymous tips for investigations, especially in cases when multiple workers are affected. Please email tips boli. Your browser is out-of-date!


It has known security flaws and may not display all features of this and other websites. Learn how. Skip to main content. Learn more about your rights, the laws, and how to file a complaint here. We are here to protect you from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Housing discrimination Know your rights.

Heskett v Secretary of State for Justice

Your rights to public places Oregonians have the right to access places that do business with the public without being discriminated against. Racial discrimination Oregon laws prohibit discrimination based on race, color, and national origin. Disability rights Oregon laws prohibit discrimination based on disability. Equal pay laws It's illegal to be paid less because of your gender, or another protected characteristic. File a complaint File a complaint here.

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