The Evolution Of African American Culture -

The Evolution Of African American Culture Video

The Evolution Of African American Culture The Evolution Of African American Culture

African American culture has evolved and changed over the course of centuries. There are countless famous Black people paving the way and innovating their own path in this world, from changing how we view art to how we interact with the game of basketball. Of course, the culture is different than it was even 15 years ago, let alone 5 years ago.

The Evolution Of African American Culture

It is important to take time to celebrate the vibrant background of the Black culture, especially in America, where it has had significant influence on history, language, and music. Just like any culture, Evoljtion is a different dialect. A new language here is mainly used by the said culture that created it.

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It is a mix of dialect, ethnolect, and sociolect of the American English Language. Non-Black people may refer to it as slang due to its informal nature. Some may incorrectly assume that the person is not of higher intelligence; however, most of us know this is not true.

The Evolution Of African American Culture

Along with having their own language, the Black community has a close tie to music. Having a connection that spans all the way back to the slave trade, Black people have made their mark on the world of music for a long time now. Evolutiln in the 20ss, they created a new sound with the introduction of jazz and blues.

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Continuing the way with funk in the 70s, everyone joined the Soul Train with them. African Americans have seen music as an extra voice…a louder voice, and they use music to tell a story or to express the opinions they have, like many people do. Sometimes the music they create becomes something they can use to change the world or just make it a better place for their community.]

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