The Animal Of Human Animals -

The Animal Of Human Animals - consider, that

The animal rights movement , sometimes called the animal liberation , animal personhood , or animal advocacy movement , is a social movement which seeks an end to the rigid moral and legal distinction drawn between human and non-human animals, an end to the status of animals as property, and an end to their use in the research , food , clothing , and entertainment industries. All animal liberationists believe that the individual interests of non-human animals deserve recognition and protection, but the movement can be split into two broad camps. Utilitarian liberationists, on the other hand, do not believe that animals possess moral rights, but argue, on utilitarian grounds — utilitarianism in its simplest form advocating that we base moral decisions on the greatest happiness of the greatest number — that, because animals have the ability to suffer, their suffering must be taken into account in any moral philosophy. To exclude animals from that consideration, they argue, is a form of discrimination that they call speciesism ; see, for example, the work of Peter Singer. Despite these differences, the terms "animal liberation" and "animal rights" are generally used interchangeably. Factional division has also been characterized as that between the reformist or mainstream faction and the radical abolitionist and direct action factions. The mainstream faction is largely professionalized and focuses on soliciting donations and gaining media representation. Actors in the reformist movement believe that humans should stop abusing animals. They employ activities that include moral shocks. The Animal Of Human Animals The Animal Of Human Animals

The Animal Of Human Animals Video

Why are humans so different from other animals?

To join our email list, click here. But putting that aside for the moment and assuming it does exist, for the purposes of argument only…what is an animal model?

The Animal Of Human Animals

Researchers take a group of animals and inject them with a serum which contains a purported virus. Then the researchers see whether the animals develop symptoms and supposed markers of the disease in question. So far, I have only found evidence that researchers are using mice and, perhaps, another similar species for their model.

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The whole point of animal models is: you The Animal Of Human Animals your way up the tree of species, from mice, rabbits, dogs, cats, and so on, until you arrive at the species which most closely resembles humans, which would be chimps. After all, the entire enterprise is geared to estimate whether the virus will infect humans.

Since injecting humans with a virus is verboten, you work with chimps. Obviously, because they want to prep the mice in a way that would make them more vulnerable to viruses. Another absurdity. In that case, the researchers Anials not really working with animals at all.

The Animal Of Human Animals

I spoke with the man who was monitoring all the facilities in the US where groups of these chimps were held. So the chimps had been in cages for a while. Cut off from their companions and families, in a completely alien environment, imprisoned, isolated. These circumstances alone would have contributed to a Ajimal reduced state of immune-system capability. And yet….

The chief monitor over all these chimp facilities told me that, thus far, none of the injections of HIV assuming the virus actually exists had caused any symptoms which could be aligned with the wide-ranging definition of AIDS. This utter failure deterred no mainstream AIDS scientist. In other words, if the animal model fails, ignore it.

The Animal Of Human Animals

Claim the virus is infectious anyway. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power.

Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. The scum will find it in granite next. Fauci will order us to wear Tyvek slippers and scuba suits.]

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