Strength And Security Technological Developments Of The -

Strength And Security Technological Developments Of The Strength And Security Technological Developments Of The

Brief: The world is entering the fourth industrial revolution 4.

Strength And Security Technological Developments Of The

However, this revolution also poses challenges from non-traditional security threats in go here major groups of problems: environmental degradation, climate change, epidemics and international terrorism to every country, especially developing ones, which will face multiple challenges Strength And Security Technological Developments Of The terms of socio-economy, science — technology and ecological environment.

Keywords: Fourth Industrial Revolution 4. Industry 4. The scale of development is unprecedented in history, the growth rate is exponentially, exerting great impacts on the economy and ecological environment. The spread speed of technology in use reaches 50 million people while telephone took 75 years, radio took 38 years, TV took 13 years, internet took 4 years, Facebook took 3.

The maps of the world economy and corporate strength are also being redrawn. Emerging occupations reflect a greater demand for jobs in the green economy; a leading role in data economy and AI; new roles in engineering, cloud computing and product development. Developing jobs highlight the continuing importance of human interactions in the new economy through roles in the care economy; marketing, sales and content production. Byanalytical, creative and flexible thinking will be one of the most sought-after skills. Recruiters consider critical thinking, analyzing and problem solving more and more important in the coming years. New highlights to this year are self-management skills, such as proactive learning, resilience, stress tolerance, and flexibility. Impacts on the business : there are four main impacts on: i customer expectations, ii improving the quality of products and services, iii cooperative innovation and iv forms of production and creation.

Increased pressure on immigration flows : The most competitive businesses will focus on improving the skills of their workers.

View collection by: Impact s on government: the emergence of an AI-Government model. The government and its regulators will need to work closely with businesses, associations and citizens. Impacts on people human existence : biologically, socially, and mentally; creating new requirements. In view of the United Nations, there Technologicql 10 threats of non-traditional security terrorism, drugs, piracy, money laundering, hackers, environmental disasters, epidemics, human trafficking, illegal and extreme migration and ethnicity, religion.

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Taking advantage of internet connection to commit crimes; challenges in cyber and space virtual governance: Drones, Drones unmanned Securitj. There were spikes in virtual space, virtual multi-level business, bubble of investment in virtual click, bitcoin has been causing crisis that spread to the global financial market without effective control measures. Especiallyin the fourth industrial revolution 4.

Cities meet ISO international standards Sustainable cities and communities — Indicators for city services and quality of life.

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visit web page Another approach: Smart city is a city that uses innovation to address the needs and desires of the community, puts the citizens first and ultimately breaks down the barriers between agencies and departments, and between Technologcal and government. Sevurity fully understand smart city, in mind we need to perceive the city as an ecosystem, so we can generalize through the following concept:.

It aims to build characteristic, liveable, resilient and competitive cities. The role of information technology and communication in data collection, storage, transmission, calculation … with fast and cheap cost. Personal mobile device smartphone, wearable ; Cloud computing, Internet of Things IoT ; Big data processing and social media. Devices that: 1 Sensor everywhere; 2 Stay connected anywhere; 3 — Data everywhere; 4 Service everywhere. The orientation of building smart cities that meet ISO standards governing world citiesSmart city is Ahd city that is speeding up providing sustainable results in terms of society, economy and environment and respond to challenges such as climate change, rapid population growth and political and economic uncertainty by fundamentally improving ways of participation in society, adopting collaborative leadership methods, comply with city rules and systems and use modern information and technology to provide better services and quality of life for people in the city residents, businesses, visitors in the future and in the near future, not to adversely affect others or degrade the natural environment.

City Governance Index: Designed to assist Strength And Security Technological Developments Of The in directing and evaluating the performance management of city services as well as quality of life.]

Strength And Security Technological Developments Of The

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