Religion Is A Social Control Tool - accept. The
Religion changes across the globe. Different parts of the world have different beliefs and rules that maintain their religion. Not all religions follow the same practices but there are some similarities between most, if not all, religions. Religions have their own rituals attached to their beliefs. Some rituals across religions like fasting are specific to one religion while others are practiced throughout. Religions incorporate myths into how they practice, and why they practice by conveying messages about the supernatural through stories or metaphors. They are used to help express ideas and concepts as well as help the followers achieve spirituality. Religion Is A Social Control ToolBy Carol P. I am reposting it now in the hopes that all of you will share it with your social media so that it will be more widely known.

Patriarchy is often defined as a system of male dominance. This definition does not illuminate, but rather obscures, the complex set of factors that function together in the patriarchal system.
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We need more complex definition if we are to understand and challenge the the patriarchal system in all of its aspects. Marx and Engels said that the patriarchal family, private property, and the state arose together.

It has long seemed to me that patriarchy cannot be separated from war and the kings who take power in the wake of war. Religjon the above definition of patriarchy, I bring all of these lines of thought together in a definition which describes the origins of patriarchy and the interconnections between patriarchy, the control of female sexuality, private property, violence, war, conquest, rape in war, and slavery.
The system I am defining as patriarchy is a system Religion Is A Social Control Tool domination enforced through violence and the threat of violence. It is a system developed and controlled by powerful men, in which women, children, other men, and nature itself are dominated. Patriarchy is a system that originated in history, which means that it is neither eternal nor inevitable. Some women and some men have resisted patriarchy throughout its history. We continue reading join together to resist it today.
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Most importantly and permeating everything, these societies honor principles of care, love, Contfol generosity which they associate with motherhood, and believe both women and men can and should practice. The Masuo culture of the Himalayas which has been recently studied, even as it is disappearing, is a Religion Is A Social Control Tool example.
This woman explained to Palin that in her culture women and men define themselves through their connections to maternal clans. When a girl reaches the age of sexual maturity, her mother prepares here room where she can invite a man to dine with her. If she chooses, she invites him to spend the night with her.
Children produced from such unions become part of the maternal clan.

If either member of a couple tires of their sexual relationship, they end it and find other partners. Michael Palin obviously had a link time believing his ears. This story illustrates an important difference between the matrilineal and matrilocal customs of the Masuo and those of the Religiin cultures with which we are familiar.
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Among the Masuo women choose their sexual partners freely and are free to end one sexual relationship and find another. There are no illegitimate children because all children have mothers. The Virgin-Whore dichotomy—so well-known in patriarchal cultures—simply does not exist. With the contrast provided by the Masuo, I came to understand on a deeper level that patriarchy is a system of male domination in which men dominate women through the control of female sexuality.
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The control of female sexuality through the oTol of patriarchal marriage is not incidental to patriarchy, but rather is central. One solution to this dilemma is to define fatherhood in other ways. One might ask: why it is so important for a man to know who his biological children are that a complicated system of secluding and shaming women in order to control their sexuality had to be developed?]
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