Regulatory Style Of The Regulator -

Regulatory Style Of The Regulator

Regulatory Style Of The Regulator Video

Regulatory Style Of The Regulator

No financial institution ever plans to get hit with an enforcement action or cease and desist order, yet it still happens.

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Strong link managementcompliance managementand audit are meant to protect an institution from major regulatory missteps, but inevitably some institutions fall short. Talk to counsel. If your institution was hit with an enforcement action, your first step is to talk to counsel to understand the legal implications of the EA.

Activate your compliance response team and conduct a root cause analysis.

Regulatory Style Of The Regulator

Just like your institution has a business continuity planit should also have a compliance response team that can be called upon immediately in the event of a finding or other regulatory issue. The goal is to conduct a root cause analysis and figure out the weakness or weaknesses that lead to the finding. Your institution needs to understand what led it down the path of wrongdoing so it can perform remediation. The more significant Regulatory Style Of The Regulator finding, the quicker the team should gather. Clean up your reputation. Depending on how serious the trouble, it may be helpful to engage with a firm that can help you repair your reputation. Your institution needs to identify every single party that was harmed or could have been affected and decide how the institution is going to reach out to them.

It may be helpful to have a special customer service line with staff specially trained in how to answer questions about the action, including why Regulatory Style Of The Regulator happened and how it might personally affect them. Have a team dedicated to fulfilling every obligation of the enforcement action. Think of it as findings management on steroids. Figure out how to pay the fine. Enforcement actions may mean thousands or millions of dollars in fines. Your institution needs to figure out how to promptly pay that fine while staying well capitalized. It may need to move capital or investments or pull out of planned initiatives to find the necessary funds. Bolster internal controls.

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Speaking of money, this is not the time to skimp on things like strengthening your internal controls framework. Once regulators have issued an enforcement action, expect to remain on their radar for the foreseeable future. Everything from exams to complaints will be heavily scrutinized. Now is the time to run a pristine operation.

Regulatory Style Of The Regulator

Make sure you invest in compliance management and internal control Refulator. All compliance frameworks need to be tightened up and in the best shape possible. Increase internal testing and oversight. Make sure the right committees are set up to review reports from all lines of defense, especially your second and third lines. Prior to joining Ncontracts, she was a senior compliance counsel at NAFCU where she advised over financial institutions on compliance-related topics. She is a frequent author on compliance and risk management topics.

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Lyon got her start in the industry by serving in key roles at financial institutions in risk management, compliance, and BSA operations. Lyon received her J. See A Demo! Credit Unions. February 9, Posted by Stephanie Lyon.

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Stephanie Lyon Ms. Think Again. Recent Posts. The True Cost of Contract Management.]

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