Problems and Aspirations of Youth as Highlighted - know
Reiterate your interest in the program and the skills and experience that qualify you. Personal learning goals at the centre of student learning. An effective teacher has the ability to lead and guide their classroom; they can manage a number of different personalities, including misbehaving children, and steer them in the right direction. So, you need to adopt a similar attitude and share that same excitement for your class! Great teachers enjoy talking about what … When the grades go home, students in both … Teachers are charged with a variety of responsibilities, many of which change according to the dynamics of their classrooms. Some programs have specific requirements, which you can find in the guidelines. New learning resulting from hard work produces a reward of energy that fuels the next question that drives the work on the next new learning. It's important to come to your interview ready to answer in a way that will make you seem prepared to stay with the company for a reasonable amount of time. Emphasize growth. Think back to your favourite teacher at school — was this person always upbeat and entertaining? Problems and Aspirations of Youth as Highlighted.Impact - Kadam Badhate Chalo. Inspiring Youth to Bring Social Change. The program, calls on young boys and girls to identify issues of VAWG in their communities and to collectively work with stakeholders to bring change to the attitudes of people.
Impact - Kadam Badhate Chalo
In doing so, these young boys and girls gain the confidence to take up leadership roles, and influence their homes, communities and other youth to join them. The program has been implemented in 30 locations in 14 states over the last 3 years, engaging more than 30, youth and reaching out to close to 3 million people in the process. Upadrasta Neeharika, an year old college student from Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, is Yoyth prime example of youth taking the initiative in her own community. Rubaroo, a local implementation partner for the KBC program in Hyderabad, were the ones who introduced Neeharika to the project when they visited her college.
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Rubaroo is a youth development organization based in Hyderabad that works with adolescents and youth on Gender, Interfaith and Youth Development. The KBC Program engages boys and girls, and help them break gender norms and identify the various stereotypes and issues relating to gender around them. Earlier, I was extremely judgmental. I had a very stereotypical personality and I used to judge others based on age-old gender norms.
Moreover, the KBC program has helped me develop a lot of life skills. It has helped me get rid of my stage fright and improve my communication skills. Here, youth leaders are capacitated to conduct PSAs of their communities, schools, colleges and public spaces to analyze how safe they are Probleks women and girls.
New America
With this in mind, Neeharika and other participants decided to conduct a PSA zs her college. She felt that it was the best place for her to start to identify problems and find solutions. The PSA led to a number of findings, some of which included the fact that there were no menstrual pads available at the college, and that only men cleaned the ladies washroom. Additionally, it identified a number of unsafe and unsanitary areas around campus.
The PSA also highlighted the fact that the college had no internal complaints or sexual harassment committees. These issues represented a number of problems for students at the college, and in particular, women and girls. The PSA has brought about a remarkable change at the college, with lecturers helping students conduct the audit, and the management, who has promised to provide and implement solutions for all the identified problems.
She had not only successfully implemented her Yoouth action projects and PSA, but has also become very passionate to work towards Gender issues.
She is now successfully leading and implementing a 6-month long Gender Campaign Initiative in two schools in Hyderabad. Her inquisitiveness, leadership and keenness to learn have been her biggest strengths and we hope that she continues to work towards a Highligthed equal society through her commitment and work. Neeharika herself is extremely proud of the PSA conducted at her college, and is confident that she can continue to make a difference at campus and beyond.]
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