National Public Health Performance Standards Program -

National Public Health Performance Standards Program National Public Health Performance Standards Program

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Plus, learn more about the process in our Public Commenting Guide. Learn More. Sponsored in part by Xodus Medical.

National Public Health Performance Standards Program

Virtual Live Events. AORN Guidelines. Achieve patient and worker safety with revised evidence-based guidelines.

National Public Health Performance Standards Program

The Year of Health and Care Workers. The Year of the Nurse and Midwife is behind us, but the recognition continues.

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Please provide comments on the AORN guidelines that are currently open for public commenting. Poster Abstracts Due February Access this newly revised tool kit to help prevent, predict, and treat hospital-acquired pressure injuries.

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One thought on “National Public Health Performance Standards Program

  1. In my opinion, it is an interesting question, I will take part in discussion. Together we can come to a right answer.

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