Motivational Theories -

Motivational Theories

Motivational Theories - excited

Home current Study Writing Homework Help. Download This Document. The main aim of this essay is to identify the best motivational theory that help in motivate the workforce effectively by comparing them. It will also analyse that how this theory help in manage the change in business environment and meet the need of individuals as well as organisation. Therefore, motives are forces that allow people to act in a particular way to ensure fulfilment of human need. Motivational Theories. Motivational Theories

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are the two main types of motivation and represent all motivational drivers. Intrinsic motivation describes all motivational-types driven by internal rewards while Motivational Theories motivation describes all motivational-types driven by external rewards.

However, within these two broad categories are more granular types of motivation that highlight specific motivating factors. Intrinsic motivation represents all the things that motivate you based on internal rewards like self-improvement or helping a friend in need. Conversely, you might be motivated to Motivational Theories because you want to positively affect the lives of the people around you.

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However, while the Theoriew examples are positive, intrinsic motivation can also have negative drivers. For this reason and more, there are many types of intrinsic motivation that all focus on a specific motivational reward or driver. Regardless of positive or negative, intrinsic motivation is typically more sustainable Motivational Theories extrinsic motivation because it usually focuses on positive or altruistic things you can control.

Conversely, extrinsic motivation typically focuses on things that are given to you by someone else and therefore is not directly Motivational Theories your control to achieve. Extrinsic motivation represents all the things that motivate you based on external rewards like money or praise.

Types of Internal Motivation

These types of motivation are more common than intrinsic motivators and include achieving things due to a tangible incentive, fear, or expectation, all of which depend on external factors. For example, people want to get a promotion because of the expected raise.

Motivational Theories

Like intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation can sometimes be negative. For example, you can be motivated to perform better at your job due to fear of being fired. This shows that extrinsic motivation, like its high-level counterpart, has many different motivational-types that highlight a specific external motivational driver and explains how effective it is at motivation. As you can see, motivation is more complex than simply categorizing Motivafional as Motivational Theories an internal or external incentive.]

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