Leaders And Followers An Effective Leader - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Leaders And Followers An Effective Leader - apologise

Northouse noted that we are groomed to believe that leadership requires specific skills and qualities either innately within us or capable of being developed during our childhoods. This type of upbringing rings true, especially in my personal life. I cannot remember a moment from my upbringing where the spotlight was removed away from the characteristics of a leader and placed on the typology of the individuals allowing the leader to guide, direct, and influence them. Could it be true that followers have always possessed the power to regulate the role a leader plays in their lives? This concept seems to imply that a leader will ultimately determine and establish the types of relationships, boundaries, and behaviors complied with by their followers Northouse, Leaders And Followers An Effective Leader

Leaders And Followers An Effective Leader - does not

What makes you effective as a leader is not the title you hold. Great leaders know that the soul of their business is their team, and they must allow and trust their team to produce their very best work; that's why you recruited them in the first place. True leadership is all about people, inspiring people to believe that the impossible is possible and inspiring people to perform beyond their normal limitations of themselves. That's the essence of leadership; helping your people reach their full potential, helping your team maximize their gifts, helping people to become the best version of themselves. Leadership is an awesome responsibility and a privilege because you can influence the trajectory of someone's personal and professional lives positively or negatively. If you want to be a leader, give your team the space to work, create an environment free from the impediments of toxicity and witness a significant growth of your company but, more importantly, in your team. All Posts. Recent Posts See All.

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Leadership style means the pattern of behaviour a leader follows or adopts for influencing the followers or the subordinates working in the enterprise. What style of leadership a leader adopts depends on an array of factors such as his personality traits, value system and experience. Leadership style varies from person to person at the same point of time and may also vary from one situation to another situation by the same leader. Leadership styles can be studied on the basis of: 1.

Use of Authority 2. Motivation 3.

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Some of the leadership styles are: 1. Autocratic or Authoritarian Leadership 2. Participative or Democratic Leadership 3.

Leaders And Followers An Effective Leader

Free Rein or Laissez-Faire Leadership. Leadership Styles — AutocraticParticipative, Free rein or laissez-faire With Advantages and Disadvantages Behavioural pattern adopted by a leader while influencing his followers is called as a leadership style.

Leaders And Followers An Effective Leader

Broadly speaking, leadership styles are categorised into three categories: 1. Autocratic or authoritarian leadership. Participative or democratic leadership 3.

a tribute to the memory of James R. Meindl

Free rein or laissez-faire leadership. Autocratic or Authoritarian Leadership: An autocratic leader exercises strict control over his subordinates. He dominates the group and gives orders with an click of fulfillment without any queries. Such a leader believes in maintaining a formal authority relationships, strictly following one-way communication and has least trust and confidence in his subordinates.


Leaders with authoritative behavioural pattern motivate subordinates with the tools of punishments, threats and penalties. In autocratic leadership style, decision-making is centralised with the leader, subordinates are perceived as mere recipients of orders and work environment is tense. Advantages: i. It permits swift decision-making. High task accomplishment leading to greater motivation for leader.

Highly effective for inexperienced Foollowers inefficient workers. Strong chain of command and strict control. Disadvantages: i.]

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