![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Iroquois Constitution](https://image.slidesharecdn.com/iroquois-1-100106123543-phpapp01/95/iroquois-14-728.jpg?cb=1262781384)
Afterthey accepted the Tuscarora people from the southeast into their confederacy, as they were also Iroquoian-speaking, consequently became known as the Six Nations.

The Iroquois have absorbed many other individuals from various peoples into their tribes as a result of warfare, Iroquois Constitution of captives, and by offering shelter to displaced peoples. Culturally, all are considered members of the clans and tribes into which they are adopted by families.
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Iroquois Constitution The historic St. Lawrence IroquoiansWyandot HuronErieand Susquehannockall independent peoples, also spoke Iroquoian languages. In the larger sense of linguistic families, they are often considered Iroquoian peoples because of their similar languages and cultures, all descended from the Proto-Iroquoian people and language; politically, however, they were traditional enemies Consstitution the Iroquois League.
Inmore than 45, enrolled Six Nations people lived in Canadaand about 80, in the United States. The most Iroquois Constitution name for the confederacy, Iroquois, is of somewhat obscure origin.
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The first time it appears in writing is in the account of Samuel de Champlain of his journey to Tadoussac inwhere it occurs as "Irocois". InHoratio Hale wrote that Charlevoix's etymology was dubious, and that "no other nation or tribe of which we have any knowledge has ever borne a name Ifoquois in this whimsical fashion". InIroquois Constitution. Hewitt expressed doubts that either of those words exist in the respective Iroquois Constitution.

He preferred the etymology from Montagnais irin "true, real" and ako "snake", plus the French -ois suffix. A more modern etymology was advocated Constituttion Gordon M. Day inelaborating upon Charles Arnaud from An entry published in the Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America attests the origin of Iroquois to "Iroqu," Algonquian Iroquois Constitution "rattlesnake".

However, none of these etymologies gained widespread acceptance. By Ives Goddard wrote: go here such form is attested in any Indian language as a name for any Iroquoian group, and the ultimate origin and Iroquois Constitution of the name are unknown. More recently, Peter Bakker has proposed a Basque origin for "Iroquois". Basque fishermen and whalers are known to have frequented the waters of the Northeast in the Iroquoid, so much so that a Basque-based pidgin developed for communication with the Algonquian tribes of the region.
Bakker claims that it is unlikely that "-quois" derives from a root specifically used to refer to the Iroquois, citing as evidence that several other Indian tribes of the region were known to the Iroquois Constitution by names terminating in the same element, e. He proposes instead that the Iroquois Constitution derives from hilokoa via the intermediate form irokoafrom the Iroqouis roots hil "to kill", ko the locative genitive suffixand a the definite article suffix.
The Six Nations
Thus the word according to Bakker is translatable as Iroquois Constitution killer people". It is similar to other terms used by Eastern Algonquian tribes to refer to their enemy the Iroquois, which translate as "murderers". The Five Nations refer to themselves by the autonymHaudenosaunee, meaning "People of the Longhouse".
The spelling "Hotinnonsionni" is also attested from later Constiitution the nineteenth century. The Iroquois Confederacy or Haudenosaunee is believed to have been founded by the Great Peacemaker at an unknown Iroquois Constitution, estimated to have been sometime between andbringing together five distinct nations in the southern Great Lakes area into "The Great League of Peace". Iroquois power at its peak extended into present-day Canada, westward along the Great Lakes and down both sides of the Allegheny mountains into present-day Virginia and Kentucky and into the Ohio Valley.
The League is governed Iroqois a Grand Council, an assembly of fifty chiefs or Iroquois Constitutioneach representing one of the clans of one of the nations.
Iroquois Constitution Essay Example
Lawrence River, west of the Hudson River, and south into northwestern Pennsylvania. In or close tothe Tuscarora tribe joined the League, [20] having migrated from the Carolinas after being displaced by Anglo-European settlement. Also an Iroquoian -speaking people, the Tuscarora were accepted into the League, which became the Six Nations. Iroquois Constitution independent Iroquoian-speaking Iroquois Constitution, such as the ErieSusquehannockHuron Wendat and Wyandotlived at various times along the St. Lawrence Riverand around the Great Lakes. In the American Southeast, the Constitutoon were an Iroquoian-language people who had migrated to that area centuries before European contact.]
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