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Tax cuts for the wealthy have long drawn support from conservative lawmakers and economists who argue that such measures will "trickle down" and eventually boost jobs and incomes for everyone else. But a new study from the London School of Economics says 50 years of such tax cuts have only helped one group — the rich. The study compared countries that passed tax cuts in a specific year, such as the U. Per capita gross domestic product and unemployment rates were nearly identical after five years in countries that slashed taxes on the rich and in those that didn't, the study found. But the analysis discovered one major change: The incomes of the rich grew much faster in countries where tax rates were lowered. Instead of trickling down to the middle class, tax cuts for the rich may not accomplish much more than help the rich keep more of their riches and exacerbate income inequality, the research indicates. Because the analysis ends in , the research doesn't include President Donald Trump's massive tax overhaul, which he signed into law in late and which slashed taxes for the rich and corporations while providing a moderate cut for the middle class. But Limberg, who co-authored the study with David Hope, a visiting fellow at the London School of Economics' International Inequalities Institute, said that he wouldn't expect the results of that tax cut to be much different. Already, Mr. econometrics paper Econometrics paper

A pathbreaking new study of online conversations among economists describes and quantifies a workplace culture that appears to amount to outright hostility toward women in parts of the economics profession.

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Alice H. Wu, who will start her doctoral studies econometrics paper Harvard next year, completed the research in an award-winning senior thesis at the University of California, Berkeley. Her paper has been making the rounds among leading economists this summer, and prompting urgent conversations.

David Card, an eminent economist at Berkeley who was Ms. Econometrics paper underrepresentation of women in top university economics ecojometrics is already well documentedbut it has been difficult to evaluate claims about workplace culture because objectionable conversations rarely occur in the open. Whispered asides at the water cooler are hard to observe, much less measure. But the intersection of two technological shifts has opened up new avenues for research.

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This is what Ms. Wu mined more than a million posts from an anonymous online message board frequented by many economists. The site, commonly known as econjobrumors. Over time, it evolved into a econometrics paper water cooler frequented by economics faculty members, graduate students and others. It now constitutes a useful, if imperfect, archive for studying what economists talk about when they talk among themselves.

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Because all posts are anonymous, it is impossible to know whether the authors are men or women, or how representative they are of econkmetrics broader profession. Indeed, some may not even be economists. But it is clearly an active and closely econometrics paper forum, particularly among younger members of the field. Wu set up her computer to identify whether the subject of each post is a man or a woman.

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She then adapted machine-learning techniques to ferret out the terms most uniquely associated with posts about men and about women. The 30 words most uniquely associated with discussions of women make for uncomfortable reading.

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The parallel list of words associated check this out discussions about men reveals no similarly singular or hostile theme. Econometrics paper of the words associated with discussions about men have a positive tone, including terms like goals, greatest and Nobel. And to the extent that there is a clearly gendered theme, it is a schoolyard battle for status: The list includes words like bully, burning and fought. In her paper, Ms.

In order to more systematically evaluate the underlying themes of these discussions, Ms. Wu moved beyond analyzing specific words to exploring the broad topics under discussion. This part of her analysis reveals that discussions about men are more likely to be confined to topics like economics itself and professional advice with terms including econometrics paper, interview or placement. Discussions of women are much more likely to involve topics related to personal information with words like family, married or relationshipphysical attributes words like beautiful, body or fat or gender-related terms like econometrics paper, sexist or sexual.

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To be sure, the online forum Ms. Wu studied is unlikely to be representative of the entire economics profession, although even a vocal minority can be sufficient to create a hostile workplace for female economists. Janet Currie, a leading empirical economist at Princeton where Ms. Pxper plays an important role in all professions, including economics, and it can often be benign. Some economists say they find the discourse on econjobrumors. After receiving a copy more info Ms. Professor Currie warned Ms. Wu econometrics paper writing about these econometrics paper was likely to make her the focus of online harassment. Wu said she was undeterred.

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Wu may well represent it. At only 22, econometrics paper also defies the stereotype that women are reluctant mathematicians and coders, as her analysis shows her to be adept at both. She is also tenacious, and when I asked Ms.]

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