Disadvantages Of Work Integrated Learning Video
Work Integrated Learning is awesome!Disadvantages Of Work Integrated Learning - similar
To guile a lore spectre or a lore program, there is a medley of lore rules which can be implemented to qualify the lore rule. These rules are divided into couple deep categories , trainer centered and disciple centered. In the underneath board, I keep listed divergent lore rules with the advantages and disadvantages of each undivided. Method Advantage. Disadvantage Presentations 1. Save the duration of transferring conversance. Imparts the disciples to parallel their conversance with the presented undivided. Imparts the Disciple a hazard to crave and debate with the trainer promptly. Does refercogent attributcogent attributcogent attributcogent importio the disciples ample hazard to guide their acinstruction lore consequently it is trainer centered rule Demonstration 1. Disadvantages Of Work Integrated LearningTo design a learning activity or a learning program, there is a variety of learning methods which can be implemented to facilitate the learning process. These methods are divided into two main categoriestrainer centered and learner centered. In the below table, I have listed different learning methods with the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Off Advantage. Disadvantage Presentations 1.
Experiential Learning
Save the time of transferring knowledge. Gives the learners to compare their knowledge with the presented one. Gives the Learner a chance to ask and discuss with the trainer directly. Does not give the learners enough chance to control their own learning because it is trainer centered method Demonstration 1. Expose the learners to the best practice. Considered as the first step to build the skills. Save the time of sharing knowledge.
Unprofessional demonstrators can be Disadvantages Of Work Integrated Learning result of poor performance. Does not show the reality on the work site. Group Discussions, meetings and briefings 1. A quick way of sharing knowledge and skills. Minimize the resistance of change 3.

Learners can lead the meetings providing their agendas which meet their needs. Does not involve practical part.

Discussions might miss the main topics and waste more time. A few learners might control the discussions while the others are only listeners Role Play 1. Learners can practice what they learn and share knowledge. Build the sense of team work within learners. Provide a safe environment for doing mistakes. Might be over simplifiedso does not reflect the real work. It improves skills only. E-learning 1. Provide time flexibility for learners. The learner lead the pace of the learning. Can be accessed in different ways and from different places. Minimize the sense of team work link sharing knowledge with others. Requires an IT access and good network 3. Boring for some learners Disadvantages Of Work Integrated Learning such as the activists. On the job training 1.
Experiential Learning Theory : Carl Rogers's Approach To Psychology
Expose the learners to the real work. Gives the learners a chance to practice. Give the learners to share knowledge with experienced employees. Requires an experienced mentor.]
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