Describe and Evaluate Carl Jungs Theory Concerning - authoritative message
Art history is the study of aesthetic objects and visual expression in historical and stylistic context. As a discipline, art history is distinguished from art criticism , which is concerned with establishing a relative artistic value upon individual works with respect to others of comparable style or sanctioning an entire style or movement; and art theory or " philosophy of art ", which is concerned with the fundamental nature of art. One branch of this area of study is aesthetics , which includes investigating the enigma of the sublime and determining the essence of beauty. Technically, art history is not these things, because the art historian uses historical method to answer the questions: How did the artist come to create the work? It is, however, questionable whether many questions of this kind can be answered satisfactorily without also considering basic questions about the nature of art. The current disciplinary gap between art history and the philosophy of art aesthetics often hinders this inquiry. Art history is an interdisciplinary practice that analyzes the various factors—cultural, political, religious, economic or artistic—which contribute to visual appearance of a work of art. Art historians employ a number of methods in their research into the ontology and history of objects. Art historians often examine work in the context of its time. At best, this is done in a manner which respects its creator's motivations and imperatives; with consideration of the desires and prejudices of its patrons and sponsors; with a comparative analysis of themes and approaches of the creator's colleagues and teachers; and with consideration of iconography and symbolism. Describe and Evaluate Carl Jungs Theory Concerning![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Describe and Evaluate Carl Jungs Theory Concerning](
The following is a draft introduction for an article for the Journal of Biblical Soul Care. By means of this essay, I hope to begin to provide some tools for the analysis of psychologies. To take the simplest example, one must begin with some rather remarkably non-Christian presuppositions and commitments to hold that the psychology of Freud or Jung constitute accurate views of the human being. Indeed, both Freud and Jung to cherry-pick two examples require explicit commitments about God to be received as accurate theological constructs. Nor must I follow Jung into his introduction to the Tibetan Book of the Dead to find something useful in his consideration of the shadow-self and the integration into wholeness.
It is like picking up a twig tangled in web with a spider and her eggs hitching along for the ride.

This is not to say that we can never consider an observation made by a non-Christian. But such an interaction requires substantial nuance. There are a couple of theories which have been Concernlng to support such interaction. One theory has been reliance upon the supposed scope of common grace. However, as I have demonstrated in the prior to essays, there is no basis from common grace to support a wholesale appropriate of assured results of modern academic or clinical psychology broadly stated. I proposed a three-tiered structure of various types of psychology, ranging from physiological, sociological observation, and finally clinical theories.
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I proposed varying degrees of use we could make of this work. The implications of these examples for the question of integration in counseling are significant. First, some situations call for expertise from specialists Concernijg the covenant community, namely, professional counselors. Second, wisdom is creative and often unconventional. Methods of counseling intervention are not limited to those techniques that can be derived explicitly from Scripture. Here is selection from another Egyptian sage, what should a wise Christian do with this? For no man has adherents on the day of woe. Do I accept it? Do I reject it because it contradicts the Bible elsewhere?
If I reject because it contradicts the Scripture, Describe and Evaluate Carl Jungs Theory Concerning what do I do with propositions which are ambiguously related to Scripture. But perhaps this example from Charles Dickens will make the matter more clear.

Solomon compares the diligent to the ant. What about bees? Bees certainly are a good example:. Well, I suppose it wants some years of sticking to, before you master it. Look at the bees.
I object to being required to model my proceedings according to the of the bee, Describe and Evaluate Carl Jungs Theory Concerning the dog, or the spider, or the camel.
I fully admit that the camel, for instance, is an excessively temperate person; but he has several stomachs to entertain himself with, and I have only one. Besides, Concerninf am not fitted up with a convenient cool cellar to keep my drink in. For the whole case is assumed. Conceding for a moment that there is any analogy between a bee, and a man in a shirt and pantaloons which I denyand that it is settled that the man is to learn from the bee which I also denythe question still remains, what is he to learn? To imitate?]
In my opinion you are not right. I can prove it.