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Make the decision to be courageous when you get a bad doctors report. She was the most courageous or the most foolish of women to remain there as she did. God put your message out there for me to read. Is He calling you to be-friend someone specific?

God uses weak people for His absolute best work. Ponder the word. Please have a Look! To you, woman whose eyes are the color of strength, the eyes with which you transmit your gaze, the sensitivity that you feel towards life and towards everyone around you. Define courageous. Join them and raise your voice in the fight for gender justice.
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Amaka- thank you so much for this comment. A partner in crime, a teammate in your relationship, and in life. And I believe in you.

The quotes below are intended to encourage and inspire women in their walks with Christ in their own journeys. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Make the decision to be courageous. And I'll be hones, You know what they say Looks fade. God Bless, You are courageous Lareia!
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I believe a truly courageous woman is called to submit and be selfless. Courageous women and girls around the world are demanding power and resources to realize their rights. Multiple times. What is God calling you to do? I needed this reminder of being courageous in decisions when it comes to my calling!! Thanks so much for this wonderful site. If you are telling someone about your Grandmother and you see more to be able to convey what a lovely person she is, this would be a great time to use personality adjectives.
The virtuous woman clings to the gospel.

Women are more often the unsung heroes.]
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The excellent message, I congratulate)))))
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