Change in the Character of Gilgamesh - interesting
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Foils and the Epic of GilgameshNavigation menu
Objective: To develop a focused position about the connection between a a theme and b an object or secondary character based on close reading. Format: Double-spaced, paginated, stapled; or point font, Times or Calibri; standard Word margins. Please give your essay a title indicating the central focus of your argument and use our course anthology for all examples. Choose a material object that appears in the story or an interesting secondary character someone who appears briefly in the text; a foil, not a or antagonist and notice how your subject is presented in the text.

Apply the steps of close reading: look for related key terms especially repeated onespatterns of related words and details, oppositions and contrasts, and anomalies details that seem strange or out of place. Think about how these details and the patterns they create bring out deeper issues, themes, or conflicts. Writing: Through the close reading of specific details presented in short quotations, explain how an object or minor character connects to a theme of the text: reflects or represents or symbolizes or problematizes or questions or challenges.
Analyze how that subject is represented and imagined including the vocabulary choices made by the translatorand what effect that has on the larger work. Consider some not all!
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What could it suggest click the culture of its setting note : this is not an invitation to make claims about history? What kind of effect does your subject have on other characters, and why? Who or what is your subject connected to? What meaning or significance might your subject Change in the Character of Gilgamesh, to whom, in what context? Make sure that you introduce your thesis in the introduction. Expectations: Include an introduction and conclusion, a Works Cited entry for hCange anthology which should be your only sourcea thesis that takes a specific position on the whole question, a thorough discussion of specific details and a sense of the rationale for selecting them using both brief direct quotations and textual references, correctly cited in MLA formatand a strong focus that connects your thesis and all the details you choose to analyze.
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Epic of Gilgamesh (Character and Theme)
If the author of your chosen text is unknown, you may refer to him as the poet. Revise and proofread carefully. Epic of Gilgamesh Character and Theme.

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