A Look at Prominent Worldviews - amazonia.fiocruz.br

A Look at Prominent Worldviews - apologise, but

Afrocentrism also Afrocentricity is an approach to the study of world history that focuses on the history of people of recent African descent. Afrocentrism is a scholarly movement that seeks to conduct research and education on global history subjects, from the perspective of historical African peoples and polities. It takes a critical stance on Eurocentric assumptions and myths about world history, in order to pursue methodological studies of the latter. Some of the critics of the movement believe that it often denies or minimizes European, Near Eastern , and Asian cultural influences while exaggerating certain aspects of historical African civilizations that independently accomplished a significant level of cultural and technological development. In general, Afrocentrism is usually manifested in a focus on the history of Africa and its role in contemporary African-American culture among others.

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Loving God With Your Mind (GREAT Conversations Podcast - Episode 13) A Look at Prominent Worldviews. A Look at Prominent Worldviews

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