The Treaty Of Versailles And The End -

The Treaty Of Versailles And The End The Treaty Of Versailles And The End

The Lend-Lease Act, the treaty of Versailles, and the failure of the League of Nations of us history is of much focus. The treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty that formed to bring World War 1 to an end. It ended the war between the allied powers and Germany Cook et al.

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The Tretay of the League of Nations, on the other hand, was formed with the aims of preventing the repetition of World War 1, although it failed. The United States passed the lend-lease act that specifically supported his allies against the axis powers despite the neutrality act. The act said that the United States could lend its allies money and any other aid without prompt payment.

The Treaty Of Versailles And The End

The failure of the United States to ratify the Versailles' treaty led to the humiliation of its enemies. It helped their allies in making themselves rich at the expense of them.

The Treaty Of Versailles And The End

However, the United States should not have allowed them to do that due to the neutrality act Kimball, The lack of united state participation in the league of the nation contributed to its failure. The United States and its allies disagreed on best they could treat Germany.

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