The Tourism Industry In Queensland -

The Tourism Industry In Queensland

The Tourism Industry In Queensland - was

The Queensland Government has called for a "targeted" version of JobKeeper to support the state's ailing tourism industry. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk's request for the Federal Government to extend the support package was yet again rejected, with Federal Tourism Minister Dan Tehan heaping the industry's struggles on Annastacia Palaszczuk's tough border policies. Tourism Minister Stirling Hinchliffe on Sunday said a refined version of JobKeeper targeted at the "internationally exposed" sectors of the economy, would be "really helpful". Picture: Stewart McLean. I welcome that as an opportunity to work with the Australian Government on what they can do to help address those concerns and challenges. The Tourism Industry In Queensland

Acting Premier Steven Miles said it was up to the federal government to stump up the cash to help businesses keep staff on past the planned end of JobKeeper in March.

The Tourism Industry In Queensland

Credit: Matt Dennien. It follows warnings from experts that Queensland should not count on hordes of tourists from southern states rushing north now the border with NSW has reopened, with pandemic uncertainty still causing concern for travellers. Sharing an update on social media, Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said one person tested positive in hotel quarantine after catching the virus overseas.

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The Queensland government has called for a targeted version of JobKeeper to continue past March to support tourism businesses, some of which are operating at 5 per cent capacity. But Mr Hinchliffe said some businesses would not be able to survive with international borders closed, and the scheme should not end in March. Queensland tour operators lose sleep as industry loses millions a day. Brisbane Times. Replay Replay video.

The Tourism Industry In Queensland

Play video. Mr Gschwind said snap lockdowns were devastating for the industry and shook consumer confidence. Seven cases remain active in Queensland and cases remain active.

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