The Theory Of The Lord Lies -

Would: The Theory Of The Lord Lies

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The Theory Of The Lord Lies The Theory Of The Lord Lies

There is a teaching today that is rife within the Christian world, called the rapture.

The Theory Of The Lord Lies

What is the rapture theory? So according to this teaching, there is a separation to take place between the saved and the lost BEFORE the end of the world. Number 1. They believe there must be different events, because one is to be hoped for, and the other is to be feared. Simple, logical truth. Number 2. This surely is talking about the church coming back from heaven after the rapture with Jesus at His physical return? Rapture adherents love this verse, but they completely miss the context of what is being said here. Look at both vs.


And what does Paul say to give encouragement concerning those who have died? They are not proofs at all, but just twisting of scripture to suit their wrong belief. This is a deception of the Roman Church. Why was it not well known and popularized until the early 20th century? Let me get one thing out of the way first. So where do they get the word from?


And we will deal with those verses later on. That Bible bomb is found in Matthew, chapter In this chapter, Christ Jesus is telling a parable and teaching a lesson concerning the events of the last days and the second coming. But when the blade was sprung up and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not Lorrd sow good seed in thy field?


He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. I love the Word of God. It is so clear that we need not second guess what is going to happen. So what are we told in the pre-tribulation rapture theory?]

The Theory Of The Lord Lies

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