The Terrors of the Holocaust - that
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Using engaging first-person accounts of downed pilots, as well as previously unused primary sources, Terror Flyers challenges the notion that such lynchings were exclusively the domain of Nazi party officials and soldiers. New evidence reveals ordinary German people executed Lynchjustiz as well. Initially occurring as a spontaneous reaction to the devastation of the Allied air campaign against o cities of the Third Reich, Lynchjustiz offered the Nazi The Terrors of the Holocaust a unique propaganda opportunity to harness the outrage of the German population. Fueled by inspiration from America's own history of the lynching of African Americans, Nazi propaganda exploited the very same imagery found in US publications to escalate the anger of the German people.
Learn About the Holocaust
Drawing heavily on the accounts of the The Terrors of the Holocaust airmen themselves, testimonies from the "flyer trials" held in Dachau duringand rarely seen Nazi propaganda, Terror Flyers offers a new narrative of this previously overlooked aspect of the Allied campaign in Europe and suggests that at least 3, cases of lynch justice likely occurred between and These additional online resources from the U. Holocaust Memorial Museum will help you learn more about the Holocaust and research your family history. The Holocaust Encyclopedia provides an overview of the Holocaust using text, photographs, maps, artifacts, and personal histories. Research family history relating to the Holocaust and explore the Museum's collections about individual survivors and victims of the Holocaust and Nazi persecution. This reference provides text, photographs, charts, maps, and extensive indexes. Staff members are working remotely to answer reference requests to the extent feasible.
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Reference questions, including those regarding access to collections, may be directed to reference ushmm. For questions about donating materials, please contact curator ushmm. Please do not send any materials until the Museum reopens to the public. Thank you for your Terrore. Back to Results New Search. Format Online resource. Locale Germany.
Language English. About This Publication. Physical Description 1 online resource xxi, pages : illustrations, maps. Lynchjustiz documents Appendix B. Newspaper examples Appendix C. Index of flyer trials Appendix D. Unresolved cases Appendix E. Lists of known airmen held at prisons Appendix F. List of known Stolpersteine for Allied ISBN Notes Includes bibliographical references and index.]
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