The Struggles Of Finding My Identity -

The Struggles Of Finding My Identity

The Struggles Of Finding My Identity - know

By Deanna. My son Thomas started school this year, and now I realize that my life was calm until now. Thomas has been doing so well in school. That made me feel so great. He had school pictures in September. Then he has his Halloween party this week. The Struggles Of Finding My Identity

The Struggles Of Finding My Identity Video

How To Know Yourself

This is one of the classic questions that we occasionally find ourselves asking.

The Struggles Of Finding My Identity

And it is an important question because the answer will guide much of our actions and reactions in life. Our Identity can be based on many things. With so many choices for identity, how do we ensure we pick the right one?

The Struggles Of Finding My Identity

Here are two examples that illustrate. I am just one of the billions of people on the planet, no one special, born-live-die, part of the circle of life, and all I am is without any real value or meaning. I am a child of a loving creator, d esigned in the womb, b eloved and valued, w atched over and never alone, and i n an unbreakable relationship with my creator.

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The Struggles Of Finding My Identity

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