The Stigma Of Bipolar Disorder -

The Stigma Of Bipolar Disorder - question recommend

Most stigma is based on a lack of information and understanding about the illness. Being well informed about bipolar disorder can help to recognize some of the misconceptions involved in stigma. For example:. Some people find that reading books on bipolar disorder helps them to gain a greater understanding of the illness see the list of books about bipolar disorder in the resources section. The person and their illness may seem to merge when they are ill. Although it may be confusing at times, see if you can identify ways in which their personality differs from their illness. Someone who does not know the person might only see the illness, and be more likely to believe stigmatized stereotypes of mental illness. The Stigma Of Bipolar Disorder The Stigma Of Bipolar Disorder

The Stigma Of Bipolar Disorder Video

Stigma Experiences in the Context of Living with Bipolar Disorder

I have learned to accept my illness and am acquiring new skills and approaches to cope more effectively. It has taken years of healing to separate the suffering from the stigma and the shame that often accompanies mental illness. Being able to see these as independent from one another has allowed me to move further along in my healing process. In fact, my illness began when I was in the prime of my life!

The Stigma Of Bipolar Disorder

I was captain and MVP of the swim team, had a leading role in the school musical and was well supported by my friends and church. It was unsettling to me at the time and caused me much distress. Depression can feel somewhat like taking too much Benadryl for an allergy attack: one can feel foggy, exhausted, excessively sleepy and withdrawn.

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It is. Medication and other approaches mediation, therapy, etc. Often people who have a mental illness feel they must hide their struggle from the workplacefor fear of retaliation. The effects of stigma can be devastating and can mean job losses and inadequate care. The stigma can lead to a deep level of shame. My symptoms were often misinterpreted as my personality, and this caused me conflicts with others. It was often how I decompensated during times of stress, due to my illness, that wrecked me. I began to see the distinction between myself, when I am suffering, and myself when I am not.

The Stigma Of Bipolar Disorder

I also acknowledge that many people are going to misunderstand my illness and there is only so much I can do to educate and inform others. I hope this helps others.

The Stigma Of Bipolar Disorder

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