The Roaring Twenties in America -

The Roaring Twenties in America - where

A century ago, America went through a great plague, far worse than the coronavirus. The result? Stimulus packages are designed to make stubbornly high unemployment start falling. But unemployment has fallen in recent months at the fastest rate since the s, noted James Paulsen, chief investment strategist at The Leuthold Group. Passing a stimulus package is like drinking alcohol: It makes you feel better in the short run, but later on it can give you a nasty hangover. So it was understandable that Obama wanted a stimulus package to reduce the pain of that recession. But President Obama was more fiscally responsible than Joe Biden. And countries that spent larger fractions of their economy on stimulus than the U. The Roaring Twenties in America. The Roaring Twenties in America

History shows that s America was a terrible place to live. The real Roaring Twenties was a time of rampant racism, violence, The Roaring Twenties in America crime, massive income inequality, and a destructive roller coaster economy. The murder of unarmed people, mostly African Americans, by mobs was widespread in the s.

For instance, UMKC estimates here were 61 lynchings in54 lynchings inand 57 lynchings in The best year for lynchings in the s waswhen they lynched 20 people. Nobody knows how many people died in the Tulsa Race The Roaring Twenties in America, but the Oklahoma Bureau of Vital Statistics estimates mobs killed 36 people. However, some historians claim the death toll was as high asmaking the Race Massacre the worst riot in American history. The media and Oklahoma leaders suppressed the story of the Tulsa Race Massacre for decades. In fact, some newspaper stories about the Tulsa Race Massacre disappeared from the archives. The s was the height of Jim Crowa racist apartheid system designed to strip people of color, primarily African Americans, of all rights, status, and human dignity. Thus there were no First Amendment Rights in s Mississippi.

The Roaring Twenties in America

Another Mississippi state law required that all hospitals have separate entrances for white and black patients. In North Carolina, white and black students could not use the same textbooks.

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Taenties addition, white and colored people could not use the same public libraries in North Carolina and Texas. Finally, mines in Oklahoma had to have separate showers and lockers for white and black miners. Hence, the state encouraged companies not to hire blacks for high-paying mining jobs. Many farmers found themselves deep in debt because they had taken out huge mortgages during World War I. Predictably, many of those farmers could not pay those mortgages.

The Roaring Twenties in America

Tens of thousands of farmers around the country faced bankruptcy and foreclosure. In Minnesota, banks foreclosed on 1, farms between and Similarly, 2, Minnesota farmers declared bankruptcy between and The s was a terrible time to be a farmer in America.

Some Reasons the 1920s were terrible include:

Predictably, millions of people fled the farms for the cities hoping to find work. The Roaring Twenties was a time of massive income inequality in America.

The Roaring Twenties in America

The s saw one of the worst real estate bubbles in American history, the Florida Land Boom. The combination of glorious weather, sunshine, beaches, cheap, cheaper credit, and direct rail connections to the Northeast and Midwest fueled a massive real estate bubble in Florida.

Thousands of people tried to get rich by turning swampland into second homes for Northerners.

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During the s, selling and developing real estate were the only industries in South Florida. The Roaring Twenties in America speculators who hoped to make money by flipping the land purchased two-thirds of all Florida real estate in the s. As in andmost of the speculators lost everything. Demand for homes was so great in South Florida during the boom, that developers built several cities for new arrivals. There was no credit check and Twentids no deed for the land. Hence, Ninja no-income-no job loans were around during the s. Many properties sold by the Binder Boys comprised swampland next to a tennis court or golf course. Everybody was promoting swampland in s Florida. Similarly, the Florida Chamber of Commerce promoted land sales with fake newspaper articles and publicity stunts. Construction boomed. However, nobody knew how they would pay for that wood.]

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