The Renaissance The Rebirth of Europe -

The Renaissance The Rebirth of Europe - remarkable, the

Answers 1. Mathias Baxter 2 February, 0. Renaissance describes the European cultural epoch in the period of upheaval from the Middle Ages to modern times in the 15th and 16th centuries. It was characterized by an effort to revive the cultural achievements of ancient Greece and Rome. Starting from the cities of northern Italy, the artists and scholars of the Renaissance influenced the countries north of the Alps with their innovative painting, architecture, sculpture, literature and philosophy, albeit in different ways. Europe had already looked back to antiquity in the Middle Ages, but important ancient texts were only rediscovered and made accessible in the late Middle Ages. The ancient state was studied in Renaissance humanism. During the Renaissance, re-explored ancient art, literature, philosophy and everyday life began to be re-examined. Renaissance culture perceived itself as a rebirth of ancient culture, which does not mean, however, that the development of Renaissance human thought was limited to the reminder of the old. It was characteristic to discuss and strive for beauty. The Renaissance The Rebirth of Europe The Renaissance The Rebirth of Europe

The Renaissance The Rebirth of Europe Video

Exploring the Renaissance

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During this time of rebirth, Renaissance thinkers dismissed the medieval period as a dark age of worthlessness. The people became closer to God and began to worship Him in their own ways. There was a drastic change in education during this time also.

A push for the citizen to become ducated became a big deal. Books were given out, any many libraries were developed in an attempt to educate their people Bowman The Renaissance truly changed the art work, religion, and education throughout Europe. The European emerged from its medieval precedents during the course of the thirteenth century. Before this time European art work were based on fixed, conventional forms art.

The Renaissance The Rebirth of Europe

This showed figures as stiff and flat; it showed the objects as unrealistic and lifeless. The artwork did Renaisssance show great detail. Landscapes were decorative but unrealistic. The artist no longer worked only on small paintings but broadened his work to masterpieces. Masterpieces would be a piece of art that sometime would take an artist his whole life to complete.

Saint Peter Basilica

Their masterpieces would be placed in cathedrals, on buildings and would cover entire walls and ceilings. Many of the paintings would tell a story, often from the Bible.

The Renaissance The Rebirth of Europe

The artist would spend years working to finish his masterpieces. Often he would die before completing the paintings all the The status of artists rose as they began to work more for nobility and the wealthy.

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The use of color also was changed through the Renaissance. Europe was going through a time of dark colors and lifeless paintings. Scholars of this time knew that the color and paintings had to be changed.]

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