The Polarization Of The United States -

The Polarization Of The United States Video

What causes political polarization? The Polarization Of The United States.

The Polarization Of The United States - valuable

Davis, and Jonathan Rodden find that economic policy uncertainty EPU rises around national elections, especially those that are polarized and close. With political polarization on the rise in many democracies, this uncertainty effect will likely become more intense in many forthcoming national elections around the world. However, a tight race with an uncertain outcome can result in a shock to the policy and investment environment. The authors cite a number of instances within the last 10 years where such a shock has occurred, including Australia, India, Brazil, the UK, and, of course, the United States in Short-term swings in electoral uncertainty induce, in effect, an electoral business cycle. Firms, for example, could restrict investment and hiring decisions during periods of high EPU, and households may delay major purchases.

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While The Polarization Of The United States polarization was primarily seen only in issue-based terms, a new type of division has emerged in the mass public in recent years: Ordinary Americans increasingly dislike and distrust those from the other party. Source and Republicans both say that the other party's members are hypocritical, selfish, and closed-minded, and they are unwilling to socialize across party lines. This phenomenon of animosity between the parties is known as affective polarization.

We trace its origins to the power of partisanship as a social identity, and explain the factors that intensify partisan animus. We also explore the consequences of affective polarization, highlighting how partisan affect influences attitudes and behaviors well outside the political sphere. Finally, we discuss strategies that might mitigate partisan discord and conclude with suggestions for future work.

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Link to Publication. Author s :. Yphtach Lelkes, Ph. Matthew Levendusky, Ph. Research Area:. Media and Communication Effects. Political Communication.]

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