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The Pentagram The Dharmachakra And The Chi

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The Pentagram The Dharmachakra And The Chi

They can be trusted. A rarely enforced law—known as Decree Number 10—was invoked in May to prohibit the display of religious flags. This disallowed the flying of the Buddhist flag on Vesakthe birthday of Gautama Buddha.

The police and army broke up the demonstration by firing guns at and throwing grenades into the gathering, leaving nine dead. Instead, the president blamed the Vietcong for the event.

The Pentagram The Dharmachakra And The Chi

The government press release detailing the meeting also used the expression "damn fools". On May 30, more than monks demonstrated in front of the National Assembly in Saigon. The Buddhists had evaded a ban on public assembly by hiring four buses and filling up and pulling the blinds down. They drove around the city before the convoy stopped at the designated time and the monks disembarked.

The stated reason was that they had failed to maintain order. By this time, the situation appeared to be beyond reconciliation. Acting U. The National Assembly had announced a committee would be established on June 12 to deal with the issue. Trueheart recommended that the Interministerial Committee accept the Buddhist's position in a "spirit of amity" Dharrmachakra then clarify the details at a later point.

On 16 June, an agreement between the committee and the Buddhists was reached. An agreement had been reached pertaining to all The Pentagram The Dharmachakra And The Chi demands, although the terms were vague. The "Joint Communique" asserted that the national flag "should always be respected and Pentagdam put The Pentagram The Dharmachakra And The Chi its appropriate place". It also promised leniency in the censorship of Buddhist literature and prayer books and the granting of permits to construct Buddhist pagodas, schools and charitable institutions. The agreement stated the "normal and purely religious activity" could Pentagrsm unhindered without the need for government permission in pagodas or the headquarters of the General Association of Buddhists.

The New York Times ran a front page headline on 14 June, citing leaked government information that diplomats had privately attacked Diem. A crowd of around 2, people were confronted by police who Evolution of Darwins Charles Theory persisted in ringing the pagoda despite the agreement.

A riot eventually broke out and police attacked the crowd with tear gas, fire hoses, clubs and gunfire.

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One protester was killed and scores more injured. Moderates from both sides urged calm while some government officials blamed "extremist elements". An Associated Press story described the riot as "the most violent anti-Government outburst in South Vietnam in years". Tho denied the allegation, and Nhu Dharmacbakra a reporter: "If anyone is oppressed in this affair, it is the government which has been constantly attacked and whose mouth has been shut with Scotch tape. State Department report concluded that the religious disquiet was not fomented by communist elements.

The Buddhists were becoming increasingly skeptical about the government intentions. Tho speculated that the Vietcong had infiltrated the Buddhists and converted them into a political organisation with Interior Minister Luong alleged that cabinet ministers had received death threats. Peter Arnett of the Associated Press AP was punched in the nose, but the quarrel quickly ended after David Halberstam of The New York Timesbeing much taller than Nhu's men, counterattacked and caused the secret police to retreat. Arnett and his click here, the Pulitzer Prize -winning journalist and photographer Malcolm Brownewere later accosted by police at their office and taken away for questioning on suspicion of attacking police officers.

The Pentagram The Dharmachakra And The Chi

On the same day, Diem publicly claimed that the "problems raised by the General Association of Buddhists have just been settled. As a government attack on Xa Loi was anticipated, Halberstam concluded that the Buddhists were playing "a fast and dangerous game".]

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