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Women During the Holocaust The On Coping With The Holocaust Experience The On Coping With The Holocaust Experience

Canada once again extended its ban on cruises — pushing back the possibility for large passenger vessels to sail in Canadian waters by an additional year after shutting them out last year amid the coronavirus pandemic. The prohibition on cruise ships had been scheduled to lift March 1 after extensions in May and October. The order pertains to cruise ships carrying more than people. Passenger vessels carrying more than 12 people are banned from entering Arctic coastal waters, including the Labrador Coast, Nunatsiavut and Nunavik, according to a news release from the Canadian government.

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In October, shortly after Canada ordered an extension to its ban, the U. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ended its eight-month "no sail" orderreplacing it with its "Framework for Conditional Sailing Order. That framework didn't give ships the go-ahead to resume sailing immediately — or in the months after its release. Cruise Lines International Association, the leading industry organization, didn't express direct support of the decision. CLIA hopes to "revisit" Canada's mandated timeline, adding that they want to demonstrate the industry's ability to address COVID in a cruise-ship setting with "science-backed measures," pointing out that sailings have resuresuming in Europe and Asia since the pandemic's onset. Two years without cruising in Canada will have "potentially irreversible consequences for families throughout the country," Golin-Blaugrund continued, pointing out the devastating impact the cruising shutdown has had on the industry.

Former President Donald Trump reportedly even had his limits when it came to attacking his political rivals. Throughout the campaign season, Trump had The On Coping With The Holocaust Experience final say over what campaign ads made it onto the air and which were tossed out.

The On Coping With The Holocaust Experience

He made those decisions at regular White House viewing sessions, where his top White House aides and campaign officials would gather to laugh at and workshop ads, including some too "out there" even for the former president, Axios reports. A few times a month, former Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale would bring his laptop to the White House and sit "so close" to Trump that it sometimes "bothered" him, a source tells Axios.

Parscale would then play through a reel of campaign ads, including many inspired by "young, pro-Trump fans who sent their ideas" to him, Axios continues.

The On Coping With The Holocaust Experience

Trump would often "burst out laughing" at some of the wilder spots, but then conclude they were too "brutal" or "weren't worth the backlash" he'd get, the source told Axios. One subject Trump particularly avoided was Biden's inappropriate touching of women, Axios reports. At one point, Trump's campaign drew up an ad featuring clips of women who'd accused Biden of inappropriate contact, and then finished with a clip of Vice President Kamala Harris declaring "I know a predator when I Wuth one.


More stories from theweek. The prosecutor overseeing the tax investigation tied to Hunter Biden will remain in his post, while the Biden administration asks other U. It is standard practice for a new administration to request the resignation of go here U. John Durham, the U. He confirmed the existence of the investigation in December after federal investigators served him with a subpoena seeking financial information. While Biden is implicated in that investigation, he was not a specific target for criminal prosecution.

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Monday said he would not wear a face mask after his recovery from COVID, in spite of widespread support from top officials and the public for the measure. Unlike many of his top officials, Lopez Obrador has shunned face masks throughout the pandemic.

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Former President Donald Trump looks poised for a second impeachment acquittal — but Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are reportedly warning him not to "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Trump's acquittal has been seen as likely after 45 Senate Republicans backed an effort to dismiss the impeachment trial last month, there aren't enough votes for a conviction.

The On Coping With The Holocaust Experience

In this historic second trial, The On Coping With The Holocaust Experience is facing charges of inciting an insurrection at the Capitol building that left five people dead. His lawyers are expected to argue that the trial isn't constitutional because he's no longer in office. Trump, Politico also reports, has evidently taken Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump's advice to heart, with an aide telling the outlet, "Right now Trump is thinking, 'I've got 45 votes, all I have to do is go golfing and not do anything. While it's not exactly clear what Trump imagines such a comeback to look like, a separate Politico report on Tuesday said that aides expect him to "gradually" re-emerge once the trial is over, at which point he'll likely be "turning his attention toward seeking revenge against Republicans who, he believes, crossed him after he left office. The economics are highly debatable.]

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