The M1 Garand is a semi automatic - question
It became the standard-issue rifle for the U. Army by and the U. Marine Corps by until being replaced by the M16 rifle beginning in The M14 was used by U. The M14 was the last American battle rifle issued in quantity to U. It was replaced by the M16 assault rifle , a lighter weapon using a smaller caliber intermediate cartridge. The M1 Garand is a semi automatic.Forgotten Your Password?
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Remember Me? Results 1 to 10 of Thread: M1 Garand what is it?? M1 Garand what is it?? Can anyone tell any info on the rifle? What is the DM stamp on the barrel Thank for any help Information.
Springfield M1
Last edited by Badger; at AM. Reason: Edited post to show pic in-line with thread Highly Recommended. Non-expert here The M.? I don't know.

But I think what you see as a D is actually a P P means proofed and M means magnafluxed I believe. Originally Posted by twh. P is for proof firing.

Yes, P is a proof. It has a TEi rear sight post war and the receiver appears to have its original finish. Since the barrel dates from almost 20 years after the receiver, it's been through a rebuild at least once.
M1 Garand what is it??
Any markings on the stock? The love of guns and freedon is The M1 Garand is a semi automatic natural balance to tyrant's lust for power and control. Every barrel was tested with a high pressure round and marked P to denote that. When it was assembled into semo rifle, the whole gun was again tested with a high pressure round, and a prick punch was supposed to be stamped in the loop of the original P to prove it. Under the rush of production, this punch was usually stamped in the general vicinity of the P.
The M is the "magnetic particle test" to detect invisible cracks. Magnaflux invented it. Replies: 0 Last Post:AM. Replies: 1 Last Post:AM. Replies: 1 Last Post:PM. All times are GMT The time now is PM. All rights reserved. Image resizer by SevenSkins.]

I think, that you are mistaken. Write to me in PM, we will communicate.
Not in it an essence.
It does not approach me. Who else, what can prompt?