The Lottery And The Masque Of The -

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His country is being ravaged by a type of plague and his subjects are dying just beyond his palace walls. In his mind, his safety is assured by the space placed between him and the plague by the castle walls. In his imagination, Prince Prospero imagines a perfect world where he can banish death simply by converting the idea of the plague from a terrorizing, death embodying illness to something related to revelry and fun. Of course, he fails in his attempt at both simply because death and time go hand in hand. Eventually, time will run out, regardless of the space you place between yourself and death and then the grim reaper will finally have you. The rooms in the short story are arranged from east to west, in real life, this direction indicates the rising and the setting of the sun. The color schemes he chooses also indicates a pattern of life cycles as indicated by mood colors. The Lottery And The Masque Of The

The Lottery And The Masque Of The - was

These colors represent the seven deadly sins which are laziness, lust, gluttony, greed, pride, anger, and covetousness. The colors can also represent the seven stages of man starting from birth, toddler age, childhood, teen age, middle age, old age, and lastly death. Blue is birth, Purple is royalty and power, Green is growth and life, Orange is destruction, White is purity, Violet is knowledge and memory, and Black is death. Why do you think Poe arranged the apartments in this manner? The way Prince Prospero arranged the rooms is very peculiar. He did it from east to west according from when the sun would rise to when it would set. When the sun would rise it would mean birth and when it would set death. Just like the rooms blue was on the east so it would mean birth and black being on the west meaning death. The colors add certain suspense to the story because we do not have a meaning to them. They give you a mysterious out look towards what can happen next. The Lottery And The Masque Of The

The Lottery And The Masque Of The Video

The Lottery [Audiobook] - Shirley Jackson - 1948

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The Lottery And The Masque Of The

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The structure of space in Poe’s “The Masque of the Red Death”

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The arrangement of the rooms and furnishings inside Prospero’s castle

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The Lottery And The Masque Of The

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