The Issues That Can Affect Children -

The Issues That Can Affect Children

The Issues That Can Affect Children Video

Parental conflict: the impact on children

The Issues That Can Affect Children - consider, that

Because differences are our greatest strength. Kids who have issues with these senses may appear uncoordinated, clumsy or afraid of certain physical activities. Kids with sensory processing issues have trouble organizing information the brain receives from the senses. When we talk about senses, we usually mean the five traditional ones: sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. But there are actually two other senses. These sixth and seventh senses control body awareness proprioception and balance and spatial orientation the vestibular sense. If kids are uncomfortable touching things, they may be reluctant to play with and manipulate objects. This can slow down the development of some motor skills. We all have receptors in our muscles that tell us where our body parts are. For example, if you raise your hand, you know that your arm is over your head. The Issues That Can Affect Children

Many couples may think that the effect of their arguments and conflicts are limited to them only. Not true. High levels of disagreement, aggression, raised voices and abusive language have a catastrophic effect on the children. They are at risk link mental and physical health issues. Tuat you have an argumentative relationship with your partner, seek couples and family therapy. A properly trained therapist can help you and your partner resolve chronic conflicts, discover underlying problems, and provide you with tools to replace toxic communication patterns with healthy ones. Children who see their parents fighting ugly will mirror the behavior.

The Issues That Can Affect Children

They learn that the only way to solve any problem is through aggression. Children who see their parents fighting constantly feels guilty, anxious, stressed and helpless. These feeling can lead to chronic stress and clinical depression. Studies suggest children are at risk of developing sleep disorders, eating disorders and phobias. Children who belong to volatile households are also at a higher risk of using and abusing substances.

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Studies show these children have below average academic performance. This makes keeping up with school instruction difficult. They feel emotionally stressed by watching episodes of physical and emotional abuse in their home.

The Issues That Can Affect Children

They can suffer from low self-esteem and confidence. This affects their friendships and, later in life, their careers. A child who grows in a dysfunctional family is limited in experiencing the positive aspects of life. They may see fights, disagreements and physical abuse as the norm.

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As a consequence, they find it difficult to trust and maintain a good relationship with others. If you think your fighting is out of control, seek family therapy for the sake of your children and their future. You must be logged in to post a comment Login. You must be logged in to post a comment. Connect with us. Ammirati counseling. Continue Reading. You may like. Everything You Need To Know. Click to You must be logged in to post a comment Login Leave a Reply Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment.

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