The Importance of Organic Farming -

The Importance of Organic Farming Video

Nutrient Management in Organic Farming, Soil testing, soil sample collection

Consider: The Importance of Organic Farming

The One And Lonely One May 21,  · But it’s also important to remember that the original “definers” of organic were farmers—not the USDA. If anyone knows how to define “organic,” it’s one of those farmers—Eliot Coleman. Coleman has more than 50 years’ experience in all aspects of organic farming, including field vegetables, greenhouse vegetables, rotational. The most important key figures provide you with a compact summary of the topic of "Organic farming in the U.S." and take you straight to the corresponding statistics. Farms. 4 days ago · Conventional farming methods cater to the capitalistic model of the economy where the greater is the product, the greater will be the profits. This article will explore why organic farming is essential by first listing out the harms caused by conventional farming methods and then subsequently discussing how organic farming can counter it.
What Does Racism Actually Mean 2 days ago · Organic farming is considered an efficient strategy regarding agriculture. It is being used since the ancient period and still gives profitable results. Natural farming may seem optimized and suitable but there are quite a few things that determine the importance of organic farming in the current era.. In this article, we’ll explain the 10 things that specify the value of organic farming. 4 days ago · Conventional farming methods cater to the capitalistic model of the economy where the greater is the product, the greater will be the profits. This article will explore why organic farming is essential by first listing out the harms caused by conventional farming methods and then subsequently discussing how organic farming can counter it. The most important key figures provide you with a compact summary of the topic of "Organic farming in the U.S." and take you straight to the corresponding statistics. Farms.
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The Importance of Organic Farming The Importance of Organic Farming.

Whenever we talk about organic farming, we tend to think of it as just another trend. And frankly, the oversaturated market, unreasonable pricing, and the very people who promote it have made it seem like it. Organic produce is overpriced, limited, and not available everywhere.

The Importance of Organic Farming

Conventional farming methods cater to the capitalistic model of the economy where the greater is the product, the greater will be the profits. This article will explore why organic farming is essential by first listing out the harms caused by conventional farming methods and then subsequently discussing how organic farming can counter it. With the advent of the green revolution in India, there was a sliver The Importance of Organic Farming hope that we will be able to feed the ever-increasing population. Our economy will benefit from it as well; this did happen, but along with these positive changes came several unprecedented outcomes that were undesirable. The levels of chemicals used to seep into the soil and make matters worse for soil pollution.


The chemicals have adverse effects on water too, they enter the underground water and pollute it. This results in the disruption of the water cycle and these chemicals reach our bellies in one way or the other. This phenomenon affects our health and has much more severe effects on the environment. To have agricultural plants sown, trees are often uprooted from that area; these crops are not able to hold the soil as well as trees, which leads to soil erosion. The crops that are sown in place of the trees worsen The Importance of Organic Farming soil erosion.

The Importance of Organic Farming

All these problems can be solved by inculcating organic farming practices into conventional farming techniques. Organic farming is beneficial for our healthand also beneficial to the very planet we live on.

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Organic farming may be The Importance of Organic Farming as an apology to mother earth for all the atrocities we have been doing. Indian farmers are well known to use organic manure to provide the essential nitrogen-based nutrients to the crops. When it comes to using organic farming to its full potential, numerous benefits can be reaped. Them being. Organic farming does not need pesticides to repel pests. Repeated use of pesticides over the years results in pests that have built up resistance to the chemicals. This means that to repel the same pest, more chemicals are required with every generation; this, in turn, leads to the production of very toxic pesticides.

These pesticides that are sprayed on plants pollute the soil, water supply, and air. Treating soil with harmful chemicals and pesticides results in deterioration of soil health. This means that the soil will have chemicals in it Fagming were never meant to be in it. Over Oragnic years, these chemicals get accumulated, and hence it renders the soil useless for any type of cultivation.

The Importance of Organic Farming

This effect does not only affect crop plants; it also discourages the natural vegetation of that place to grow back. This leads to soil erosion.

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When we damage the soil, we disturb the very foundation on which we have to grow crops; this makes matters worse for both cultivation and environmental factors as well. When farmers make the switch to organic farming, they help with the soil erosion problem as well. To protect crops from pests without using any pesticides, farmers are forced to carry out practices like cover crops, and this makes use of crops that surround the cultivation like a line of defense. Because of this practice, more crops are planted in the desired area, which helps curb soil erosion.

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Water is the most valuable resource in cultivation; the need for water is something that every farm shares irrespective of the crop it grows. Saving it is an extreme priority, and reasons are not limited to agriculture. Organic farming helps in water conservation as well. The reason for it is that organic farmers take care of the soil quality, and they use mulch. This limits the need for water. Algal blooms have been a problem to marine life for a long time, Organkc conventional farming practices have been its most significant enabler. Algal blooms cause problems to tourism, the health of fishes, and the beauty of the place too.]

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