The Heartbleed Bug Introduction The Heartbleed Bug -

The Heartbleed Bug Introduction The Heartbleed Bug - final

A major new vulnerability has been discovered in security protocols OAuth 2. D student Wang Jing of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore spotted a bug that allows hackers to use phishing techniques in an attempt to steal login details without users knowing. The bug essentially allows cybercriminals to use real website authentication to power a phishing popup, instead of the more common tactic of faking the domain. In the process, hackers will receive the user's login credentials. Facebook dismissed the threat when contacted by Wang, suggesting it would be impossible to plug the hole in the short term. Other firms like Google and Microsoft are either tracking the bug or have already concluded investigations. A workaround would involve using a whitelist for all applications on a website, but this would negatively affect the user experience. The Heartbleed Bug Introduction The Heartbleed Bug.

As the OpenSSL is one of the largest encryption libraries on the Internet today and has been used by many websites, Synology has taken immediate actions to mitigate this issue:.

The Heartbleed Bug Introduction The Heartbleed Bug

If users need help with their systems after being upgraded to the latest DSM version Heartlbeed have any further questions, please contact security synology. As the OpenSSL is one of the largest encryption libraries on the Internet today and has been used by many websites, Synology has taken immediate actions to mitigate this issue: For users running DSM 5.

Bug tracking

DSM 4. If users want to stay in DSM 4.

The Heartbleed Bug Introduction The Heartbleed Bug

MyDS Center servers have been patched and are safe to use.]

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