The Current Youth Is The Future -

The Current Youth Is The Future - idea

Even as local governments in high-fertility countries increasingly plan to attain a demographic dividend, their goals may be threatened by the coronavirus pandemic. Due to their age, young people often face unique barriers that prevent them from accessing high quality health services, especially family planning. The top 20 countries with the largest percentage of older adults and with the largest number of older adults. Self-response rates are lowest in neighborhoods with high concentrations of racial and ethnic minorities in the young child population, which could mean fewer dollars for communities that need funds the most. People with lower levels of education, the oldest old, women, and racial and ethnic minorities are at greater risk of dementia.

The Current Youth Is The Future Video

The future of Inclusion and Diversity with Erica Bol - ID Talks Future - Teaser The Current Youth Is The Future The Current Youth Is The Future

Compounding the traditional difficulties of entering the workforce, the disruption brought about by COVID has made the search for meaningful work tougher. Therefore, we must do more to ensure the competitiveness and employability of young people. Instead of harping on these points, let us instead address three specific questions, namely: Why is it difficult for young people to make the transition from school to work? How exactly has the pandemic made things worse? And what can young people do to make the most of The Current Youth Is The Future ever more challenging situation? We uncovered these through surveys and interviews conducted with over youths by Advisory, a fully youth-led nonprofit I co-founded inthat is dedicated towards empowering young Singaporeans from all walks of life to make informed career and further education choices:. While Singaporean students are well-acquainted with sitting for written examinations, many still do not have adequate support to address these four uncertainties.

While much has been done in recent years to close this information gap and plug these uncertainties, such as the MySkillsFuture portal, we must consider an additional layer of complexity: Rather than viewing students as a demographic unto themselves, we must acknowledge the diverse profiles of youth we are supporting.

While she eventually found Maritime Studies, a course that matched her interests, she elucidated that there was insufficient guidance to process the information on careers available and draw links between what she would study and the careers she could one day pursue. The transition from school to work is not simply about closing the information gap on jobs and industry—but to provide for each student persona, personalised guidance to process the available information to make informed choices.

The Current Youth Is The Future

With finite resources also come difficult decisions pertaining to trade-offs. Of the students we interviewed, close to half were largely able to articulate the courses of study and occupations they hoped to pursue and why, and expressed less uncertainty The Current Youth Is The Future their future plans than their peers. Though communicating the realities of occupations of interest is important to ensure such students can make more informed choices, supporting students of personas one and three who lack exposure and are uncertain of their options and plans is more pressing of a need.

While these personas should not be treated as a hard and fast metric by which to judge all students, it is a helpful framework to assist in our understanding of the different baselines upon which young people are approaching their career choices. We start with anxiety—no one enjoys having their best laid plans disrupted.

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And for students of personas one and three, the anxiety is compounded onto their existing uncertainty about their futures. Of the nearly 2, students who applied to our virtual industry mentorship programme this year, many shared with us the anxiety they felt on having their internships, exchanges and job offers rescheduled or rescinded. The step beyond anxiety is trepidation. With hiring freezes at many top firms, the pathways that many students had set their sights on are no longer as viable as they once were, inciting a fear of the unknown brave new world. Confusion is the final step, with an overload of information on support schemes, resources, and steps to be taken.

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These three emotions dominate the psyche of our students, and it is important that any measures we take alleviate all or some of these concerns. To help soothe some of these anxieties, and to offer vital exposure to graduating youths and those with career building aspirations, national intiatives such as the SGUnited Traineeships and Skills Programme have been welcomed across the board—serving as an invaluable aid to tide through the immediate future. However, more can still be done to ensure that our youth are given every opportunity in these lean circumstances to reach their dreamt-of shore.

In a recent interview, I was why our youth should be optimistic about the The Current Youth Is The Future of the economy and the jobs market. Yet, in an impossible situation, there is opportunity to be had in crises.

For our youths, now is the best time to try working for a start-up or an SME. Without the trade-off of lost income, there is less risk of working in smaller companies, which can be the most fertile training ground for a fresh graduate. Most importantly, our paths in life are not linear.

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Taking a pay cut now, or a traineeship instead of a full-time job, is not indicative of where we can go in life. While the outlook for the future remains uncertain, our youth are not a helpless lot to be pitied. I have every confidence that our generation can and will emerge stronger—and this storm will not break the sails of our youth. What are your thoughts on the job market in Singapore? While much has been done in recent years to close this information gap and plug these uncertainties, such as the MySkillsFuture portal, we must consider an additional layer of complexity:.

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Rather than viewing students as a demographic unto themselves, we must acknowledge the diverse profiles of youth we are supporting. Making the Most of an Impossible Situation In a recent interview, I was asked why our youth should be optimistic about the future of the economy and the jobs market.

The Current Youth Is The Future

Source: ricemedia.]

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