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The Cold War was reflected in culture through music, movies, books, television and other media, as well as sports and social beliefs and behavior. One major element of the Cold War was the threat of a nuclear war ; another was espionage.

Many works use the Cold War as a backdrop, or directly take part Te fictional conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union. The period —62 saw Cold War themes first enter the mainstream culture as a public preoccupation. For the historical context in the US, see United States in the s. Cloak and dagger stories became part of the popular culture of the Cold War in both East and West, with innumerable novels and movies that showed how polarized and dangerous the world was. During the Cold War, films functioned as a means to influence and control public opinion internally. The United States and the Thf Union invested heavily in propaganda designed to influence the hearts and minds of people around the world, especially using motion pictures. The gap between American and Soviet film gave the Americans a distinct advantage over the Soviet Union; the United States was readily prepared to utilize their cinematic achievements as a way to effectively impact the public opinion in a way the Soviet Union could not.
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Cinema, Americans hoped, would help close the gap caused by Soviet development of nuclear weapons and advancements in space technology. The Americans took advantage of their pre-existing cinematic advantage over the Soviet Union, using movies as another way to create the Communist enemy. In the see more years of the The Culture Of The Cold War War between —53seventy explicitly anti-communist films were released. The films released during this time received a response from the Soviet Union, which subsequently released its own array of films to combat the depiction of the Communist threat.
Several organizations played a key role in ensuring that Hollywood acted in the national best interest of the US Catholic Legion of Decency and the Tne Code Administration acted as two conservative groups that controlled a great deal The Culture Of The Cold War the national repertoire during the early stages of the Cold War. These groups filtered out politically subversive or morally questionable movies. More blatantly illustrating the shift from cinema as an art form to cinema as a form of strategic weapon, the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals ensured that filmmakers adequately expressed their patriotism.
Beyond these cinema-specific efforts, the FBI played a surprisingly large role in the production of movies, instituting a triangular-shaped film strategy: Tge set up a surveillance operation in Hollywood, made efforts to pinpoint and blacklist Communists, secretly laundered intelligence through HUACand further helped in producing movies that "fostered [the FBI] image as the protector of the American people.
In the s, Hollywood began using spy films to create the enemy through film. Previously, the influence of the Cold War could be seen in many, if not all, genres of American film. By the s, spy films were effectively a "weapon of confrontation between the two world systems. Film depicted the enemy in a way that Coold both sides to increase general suspicion of foreign and domestic threat.
Between —54, the Soviet Union mimicked the US adoption of cinema as a weapon. Under Stalin 's rule, movies could only be made within strict confines.
Cinema and government were, as it stood, inextricably linked. Many films were Cld for being insufficiently patriotic. Nonetheless, the Soviet Union produced a plethora of movies with the aim to blatantly function as negative propaganda.
In the same fashion as the United States, the Soviets were eager to depict their enemy in the most unflattering light possible. Between and]

Bravo, remarkable idea and is duly
What touching a phrase :)